CSG Meeting – 16th November 2021
Agenda – 16th November 2021
The following Councillor s are summoned to attend:
J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Gavin Wollacott.
CSG Volunteers and members of the public are invited to attend.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered.
4. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP MEETING held on Tuesday 12th October to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a. Community Broad Band Scheme -Part of NHP
b. Devon County Council Community Energy Fund / EV charge points – Part of NHP
c. Climate change: Tree Planting, wild-flower verges, Community farming, Allotments, Community Composting, Nesting boxes, Community water-well reinstatement on Brook Street – Pending resources.
a. CSG amended terms of reference.
b. Queens Platinum Jubilee event – update.
c. Neighbourhood plan – Update / next steps.
d. A379 – Update on SLP and Community meetings / Farming research progress report.
Next Community Support Group Committee meeting, 17th November 2021, 7pm at Slapton Village Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 9/11/21
Minutes – 16th November 2021
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Wollacott (Vice Chair), Cllr Abbey.
CSG Volunteers: Michael Crowson, Vivienne Dyer, James Curtis, Ben Leach.
In attendance: Clerk
15-21. Apologies for absence – None
16-21. Declarations of interest – None
17-21. Public comment – None
18.21 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP COMMITTEE MEETING held on Tuesday 12th October 2021 were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
19.21 Review of action log – To draft following agreed meeting actions.
20.21 Matters in abeyance
- Community Broad Band Scheme -Part of NHP.
- Devon County Council Community Energy Fund / EV charge points – Part of NHP.
- Climate change: Tree Planting, wild-flower verges, Community farming, Allotments, Community Composting, Nesting boxes, Community water-well reinstatement on Brook Street – Pending resources.
21.21 Matters for discussion
- CSG amended terms of reference. The Chair advised the PC had approved on 1/11/21 a change to 2 Cllrs being in attendance to support the group and the option at each Annual Meeting of the CSG Committee for a CSG member (Cllr or Volunteer), to be elected as Chair. The current Chair would continue until April 2022 as this co-incides with the re-election of the PC Chair.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee: Community event. A list of operational, logistical and legal points was raised for clarification by the group in order to help finalise the event programme. It was agreed that:
– A CSG Volunteer recruitment poster would be produced to help attract more members to the group (VMD and JC to draft for PC approval December meeting).
– Proceeds from the raffle will be divided between several local charities and include a village First Responder Kit. (GW to confirm specification and costs).
– Research to be undertaken into the costs for portaloos, hire of the Coleridge Bus and previous village event attendance. VMD and JC to progress / Clerk to update log.
– The official beacon light ceremony was discussed. VMD to contact the Church Warden to ask if the church bells could be rung at 9.15pm. The ‘beacon’ will be lit at 9.15pm. The cost of the official Royal beacon was felt to be expensive for its size and it was felt that a large bonfire in the field behind the village playing field would be a more appropriate option. - Neighbourhood plan – The Chair reported that the PC had approved for the CSG Committee to lead the development of the parishes Neighbourhood Plan in consultation with the PC. VMD had ordered and distributed to CSG volunteers a NP Briefing pack from Localities highlighting the process. All to read. The Clerk advised the PC were eligible for the £10K grant and although the grant period ended March 2022, it was hoped the grants would be renewed given such an important legal project for PC’s and which helped support District Council Planning Departments. It was suggested and agreed that Cllr Abbey, VMD and the Clerk would next attend the DALC series of 3 NP briefing seminars on 18/25th and 27th January in order to help steer next steps. Attendees to book directly.
- A379 – MC reported that the NFU had agreed to carry an article in their members communications asking for members opinions on the impact to their businesses should the road breach. No specific date has been set for this issue.
The Chair agreed to contact the Slapton Line Partnership for permission to share the October meeting minutes with the CSG Committee as not available online.
Cllr Wollacott reported that he had attended a local business meeting with Cllr Abbey at which Anthony Mangnall MP was present. Cllr Wollacott to gain permission to circulate the minutes to the CSG Committee and invite MC to attend the next meeting one the date is known.
22.21 Proposals and financial matters to take to the Parish Council for resolution
Queens Platinum Jubilee Event – Outline programme and budget (December PC meeting).
CSG Volunteer recruitment poster for approval – (January PC meeting).
Queens Platinum Jubilee Event – Final programme plan and budget (January PC Meeting).
23.21 Clerks Report – None.
24.21 Chairs Report – The Chair asked if all CSG members could channel all requests and suggestions via the clerks official email address to ensure GDPR protocol was followed and that CSG members set up a specific email address for CSG work. CSG emails would be considered as part of the PC’s MS Office upgrade and added to the PC’s risk register.
25.21 Councillor and Volunteer Report – None.
26.21. Date of next Community Support Group Committee meeting, Tuesday 21st December at 7pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions).
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair