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CSG Meeting – 11th October 2022


The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Crowson.

CSG Volunteers and members of the public are invited to attend.

Agenda – 11 October 2022


2. MINUTES OF THE CSG MEETING HELD ON 18th January 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

a) Future role, positioning and terms of reference of the CSG.
b) Update pandemic tapestry project.
c) Update village gateways project.
d) New PC projects 2022-23:
i. Warm Welcome Campaign
ii. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
iii. Kings Coronation Community Event – Spring / Summer 2023
e) CSG volunteer recruitment.
f) Grant sourcing.



6. AOB.

7. Next Meeting Dates:
a). CSG Community Support Group Committee Meeting at the Village Hall.
b). CSG Working Group meeting to be held on MS TEAMS.

Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 6/10/22

Minutes – 11th October 2022

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey   CSG Volunteer: James Curtis
In attendance: Clerk and RFO.

27.22. Apologies for absence: None

28.22. Declarations of interest – None

29.22. Public comment – None

 30.22 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP COMMITTEE MEETING held on 18th January 2022 were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

31.22 Review of action log – To draft following agreed meeting actions.

32.22 Matters in abeyance

a) Community Broad Band Scheme -Part of NHP
b). Devon County Council Community Energy Fund / EV charge points – Part of NHP
c) Climate change: Tree Planting, wild-flower verges, Community farming, Allotments, Community Composting, Nesting boxes, Community water-well reinstatement on Brook Street – Pending resources.

33.22 Matters for discussion

a).Future role, positioning, and terms of reference of the CSG.

    1. It was agreed that the future aims and purpose needed agreeing as the original aim was to take pressure of the PC and offer a wider mix of resources and skills.
    2. The re naming of the group to Slapton Community Group was discussed as it was suggested this may give more ownership of the group to the community. It was felt that Slapton Community Support Group was still appropriate and this was now well known in the parish.
    3. It was discussed that the group needed to work nimbly, DBS checks were needed for working with vulnerable people, budget may be required for additional event insurance and that ownership of projects and praise to volunteers was important.
    4. The Chair wanted to create events that brought the community together and fundraise at these to fund other village projects e.g. a basket ball hoop. The Chair also felt it was important to work with the volunteers in the village shop. The Chair asked if funds raised could be ringfenced in the PC’s bank account for future events.  The clerk advised the entertainment code was S145 to ringfence expenditure against.
    5. The Chair raised that it was important to concentrate on delivering the projects in progress: a) Pandemic tapestry and b). village gateways and focus on recruiting volunteers so that other projects could be started such as a befriending scheme, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. The clerk advised that a question could be added to a new parish wide survey to gauge interest in these services and if people would like to volunteer to help.
    6. James Curtis suggested that a PC/CSG surgery would be a good forum to capture feedback and also a survey on the bar in the pubs and notice boards. James suggested to run a PC/CSG surgery at his forthcoming tree hub at the village hall and to run a coffee morning.
      b). Update pandemic tapestry project. James Curtis reported this would be completed by Christmas.
      c). Update Village Gateways project. The Chair reported volunteers were needed to help raise the turf and plant the seeds.
      d). New PC projects 2022-23: It was agreed that these needed to support the community. Ideas to be suggested in a community survey:

        1. Warm Welcome Campaign: The clerk reported that DCC, DALC and the SLCC were encouraging PCs to lead on delivering warm community spaces through the winter to help reduce social isolation and loneliness due to the cost-of-living crisis and that grants were available through DCC Devon Communities Together. Given the lack of resources, the clerk suggested that the backroom of the village hall could be used on a self-service basis to making drinks and that permission was granted so that people could bring their dog in as a lot of dog walkers were excluded from socialising at the hall and shop. Timings could be linked to the village shop opening hours when people were in the area. James Curtis felt this was not the correct approach and would be perceived as charity and that it was an affluent village. The clerk advised that it was about making connections and friendships and the hall was a good place to do this. The matter was discussed and it was agreed to add to the PC’ December Agenda.
        2. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – It was agreed to ask interest in a community survey. Cllr Abbey reported on the crimes that were taking place in the parish: Ignoring width and speed limits, Fly-tipping, Vandalism to the Parish Paths way markers, Theft of wooden park and walk posts, Fires on the Playing field pitch and anti-social behaviour and shouting in the streets late at night, 3 properties targeted at Alston Barns.
        3. Grief counselling
        4. Befriending scheme: Dog walking, collecting shopping and prescriptions, walk and talk.
        5. Village planting scheme
        6. Re-run the willow weaving workshop with a Christmas Wreath event.
        7. Complete the pandemic tapestry
        8. Complete the village gateways
        9. Utilise the Parish Online software to map events, crimes, walks, etc
          e). Community Survey: It was agreed this needed to focus of the parish communities needs and seek feedback from both adults and children.  For children, to ascertain their interest in a Youth Club and film club and sports facilities.  A flyer could be issued and responses dropped off at the village hall community post-box. The flyer could he accessed via a door drop, on the PC’s website / CSG Facebook page and promoted on the notice boards, lampposts, village shop.  Also, to add some ‘did you know’ facts and village competition to guess where images were taken and include a question on CSG Volunteering.
          f). Foodbank: It was agreed it was important to maintain awareness and generate donations over the winter period. Raise at PC Meeting.
          g). Forthcoming elections. To include these in the survey to help generate interest to become a Cllr.
          h). King Charles III Coronation Community Event – Spring / Summer 2023. Cllr Abbey advised that the village hall committee were planning to run a low-key event in the village hall.
          i). Grant sourcing. Clerk to progress sourcing community grants.  The Chair advised that grants were available from Live West to help set up a youth club.

34.22 Proposals and financial matters to take to the Parish Council for resolution.

  • Food bank – Christmas promotion
  • Warm Welcome Campaign and grant applications
  • Community wide survey – questions and funding/ delivery support

35.22 Clerks Report – None.

36.22 Chairs Report – None.

37.11 Councillor and Volunteer Report – None

38.22. Dates of next meetings:

  • Ad hoc Working groups
  • CSG Committee meeting – TBC

SIGNED:  (pending next meeting).

All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed at

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