Annual Parish Meeting – 3rd May 2021
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S. Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Gavin Wollacott.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Police report – Update from the Chair
3. County & District Councillor Reports – Cllrs Julian Brazil & Richard Foss
4. Approve Minutes of meeting held on 3rd March 2020
5. Annual Report of the Parish Council – Chair Julie Hinder
6. Community Group Reports and White Close Trustee Presentation
7. Matters for Discussion – Chair Julie Hinder
a.) Arrangement for future PC meetings
b.) CSG committee Update/ request for Non Cllr Volunteers
Minutes – Annual Parish Council Meeting – May 2021
Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Monday 3rd May 2021 at 7.00pm.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil.
16-21. Appointment of the Chair, Vice Chair and Appointment of Committee Members and Representatives:
a) It was proposed by Cllr Sullock / seconded by Cllr Wollacott to re-appoint Cllr Hinder as Chair.
b) It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore / seconded by Cllr Staines to appoint Cllr G Wollacott as Vice Chair.
c) It was proposed by Cllr Sullock / seconded by Cllr Staines to appoint the following Cllrs as CSG committee members: Cllr J Hinder, Cllr Wollacott, Cllr Abbey.
d) It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by the VC Cllr Wollacott to appoint the following Cllrs as planning committee members: Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Abbey and Cllr Murphy.
e) It was proposed and seconded to appoint the following Cllrs as PC representatives:
1) Village Hall Committee: Cllr Sullock
2) Village Shop Committee: Cllr Abbey and Cllr Murphy.
3) Slapton Lines Partnership: Chair and Vice Chair, Clerk as deputy.
17.21. Apologies for absence – Cllr D Murphy, Cllr R Foss.
18.21 Declarations of interest – None.
19-21. Public comment – None.
20-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – No update.
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – https://www.devon-cornwall.pol… / Find your local policing team.
21.21. County & District Councillor reports Devon County Council
(DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:~
a. Cllr Brazil said it had been a quite month due to the elections and the period of purdah.
b. DCC had held their full Annual Council Meeting and voted unanimously to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill and climate change policy in order to gain leverage on this matter in Westminster. DCC hoped that SHDC would follow in the near future.
c. Covid-19: South Hams continues to have very low levels of Covid and the switch of the vaccination rollout programme from St Boniface Centre to Follaton House in Totnes was working well. May 17th was an important date for the re-opening of pubs and cafes.
d. Relocation of the war memorial – no update.
e. Deer Bridge damaged Wall – Highways had agreed this was a DCC matter and repair works would be scheduled. The Chair reported that they had written to Lisa Edmunds to request official ‘no overnight camping’ signage be installed at the Park and Walk as soon as possible but the PC would install temporary signs to ensure in place over the summer season – refer item 26-21 (d)(iii) below.
f. SHDC Motorhomes car park proposal – The Chair reported that the PC would submit a final Parish Council response ahead of the 20th May deadline, once it had considered all feedback from parishioners. There was a significant level of concern and objection across the parish and the PC’s response would be conditional that all practical tools requested were in place. Cllr Brazil advised that the plan would address all concerns being raised and stressed that monitoring and enforcement methods were key to the proposals success and that if facilities were in situ, this could be a positive scheme. Cllr Brazil advised that if the decision was taken to go ahead the next steps would be that the signage would be installed, the barrier removed and the new Localities Officers would commence patrols. Cllr Brazil to confirm the date to the PC. The Chair ask if the campsite and the FSC had been consulted. Cllr Brazil advised to check with Cllr R Foss. Chair to follow up.
g. Slapton Lines Partnership – The Chair asked if there was an update on the recruitment of the new Adaptation Manager and raised concerns there was a high risk of road closing and the current adaptation plan appeared inadequate for the needs of the area and parish. The Chair and PC were very keen to work closely with the new Adaptation Manager to ensure the plan was fit for purpose. Cllr Brazil to follow up with Alan Denbigh and report back.
h. Western Power road closure 6th -7th May- Cllr Sullock asked what the arrangements were to allow road access on election day and could the works be delayed on this day as parishioners need to the option to drive to the Village Hall. Cllr Brazil to liaise with DCC highways.
i. The Chair advised Cllr Brazil that there was no PC meeting in June due to the need to put safe meeting practices in place given the change in legislation.
District report from Cllr R. Foss: No update
22.21 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 26th April 2021 were be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
23.21 Review of the Action Log – The draft action log was reviewed. Clerk to update as discussed at the meeting.
24.21 Matters in Abeyance
a.) Monument relocation to Strete Gate.
b.) Plastic recycling scheme – Agreed to monitor parish-wide impact when live.
c.) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Cllr Staines confirmed stock levels of 150 leaflets. d.) Notice Boards – A notice board has been donated to the PC. Clerk to obtain quotes to add cork and relocate to Green Banks.
e.) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify. f.) Leet on Carr Lane – Repairs are due as soon as the water level drops.
g.) Parish online service:… Clerk to update PC following briefing 24th June.
h.) Duke of Edinburgh Commemorative Tree – Agree location/ Tree type and purchase for planting in Nov 2021
i.) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th May 2021.
25.21 Planning
1245/21/HHO – Hansell, Dartmouth. TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for outbuilding Comment: Requested SHDC planning check size of the outbuilding relative to the main house and surrounding properties in the hamlet.
Two late planning applications were also discussed as follows:
1157/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Comment: No objection.
1158/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed Building consent for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Comment: No objection.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
1046/21/AGR – Lowworthy Barn, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural track
Decision: Ag Determination details required
26.21 Matters for discussion
a) Planning Committee Terms of Reference. The Chair proposed and Vice Chair seconded approval of the terms of reference. Cllr members appointed as reference 16.21d above.
b) Informal traffic survey 29th to 31st May: Cllrs to email availability to Chair by 21st May 2021.
c) Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE Bill): It was agreed to propose for resolution to support the Bill. Clerk to add to next agenda.
d) Maintenance:
i. Repairs to playing fence posts and gate. Cllr Mitchelmore reported still awaiting a quote. To chase.
ii. Donated notice board. It was agreed to locate the community notice board on posts at the boundary of the Greenbanks play park. Quote of £224.23 proposed by Cllr Staines and seconded by Cllr Sullock. Clerk to progress with supplier.
iii. Park and Walk PC ‘No overnight camping signs. Quote of £318.69 for 6 posts to be reduced to 4 posts. Budget of up to £280 approved proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore and seconded by the Vice Chair. Clerk to progress with supplier.
iv. June village mowing. It was agreed to strim around the daffodils as still in flower and a request made to strim around the finger post at Higher Green Cross. Clerk to progress with supplier.
27.21. Proposals for resolution
a. It was proposed by the Vice Chair/seconded by Cllr Sullock to resolve to adopt the updated PC Risk Register as agreed at the PC meeting 26/4/21.
b. It was proposed by Cllr Staines/seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to resolve to adopt he CSG Committee revised terms of reference, committee members and volunteer on-boarding process.
c. It was proposed by the Chair/seconded by Cllr Sullock to resolve to adopt the updated Financial Model Regs 2019 and in particular:
i. Continuation of BACS payments to suppliers – next review 2023.
ii. Continuation of payment of clerk’s salary by standing order – next review 2023.
28.21. Clerk’s report
2 CSG Facebook and 3 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – April Mowing brief.
Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
SHDC: Liaison with SHDC re correspondence from Parishioners re motor homes survey.
Updated PC policy documents updated/added to website.
29.21. Chair’s report
a) The Chair reported that feedback on the SHDC motorhome proposal was significant and advised that the PC could not support the proposal based on the volume of negative and valid feedback from parishioners. The Chair requested that posters be displayed around the parish to encourage all parishioners to comment on the SHDC Motorhomes parking proposal by 20th May 2021 and request the PC meet again ahead of the deadline to vote on the recommendation of the PC to SHDC. Clerk, Cllr Sullock and Cllr Staines to display posters / Chair to call an Extraordinary Meeting of the PC on Monday 17th May.
b) SLCC Remote meeting consultation. All Cllrs agreed they wished to continue with remote or hybrid meetings. Chair to reply to SLCC consultation. All Cllrs to watch free SLCC videos on running safe face to face meetings. The Vice Chair and Clerk to undertake a Covid-19 risk assessment ahead of the July meeting.
c) The Chair reported funding is available to PC’s wishing to undertake a Neighbourhood plan.
30.21. Councillors’ reports
• Cllr Sullock – Reported 580 non-perishable food items had been donated to the food bank collection point at the end of April 2021, plus x 2 £10 cash donations. Thanks was given to everyone who has very kindly contributed. Cllr Sullock also reported receipt of a request from a farmer to install dog bins and keep dogs on leads signs on the public footpath running across their land as the unbagged dog waste was hazardous to livestock in calf. Clerk to contact DCC P3 scheme to obtain signage and installation advice.
30.21. Financial matters
To ensure the continuation of PC services throughout June it was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to delegate operational powers to the clerk in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and 2 other Cllrs if which would expire on the 5th July at the next PC meeting.
a) The council approved the below payments:
(S/O) 05/21 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 21 (Paid 1/5/21 for noting).
06/21 £110.37 £302.40 Clerks May expenses re-imbursement: Zoom Licence renewal 8/4/21 and Drop Box digital storage licence renewal 14/4/21 (Paid 27/4/21 for noting). 07/21 £75.00 Nick Mathias – Playing Field Mowing – Invoice 1278/21 dated 11/4/21 (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
08/21 £10.80 SLCC – Clerks Exam Portfolio Guide – For exam interview. Refund as expenses to Clerk. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting)
09/21 £14.00 Duke of Edinburgh Passing – Wreath of Condolence from the Parish. Refund costs to Cllr S Sullock. (Paid 27/3/21 for noting).
10/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work – 14 hrs + £10 Kit hire – Invoice 1285/21 dated 25/4/21. (Paid 27/3/21 for noting).
11/21 £213.50 Ben Leach Consultancy – Safeguarding Training. Invoice 1204 9/3/21. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
12/21 £18.00 DALC Good Cllr Session 1 Training, Cllr J Abbey – Invoice 3053 dated 19/4/21. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
b). Balance at Bank 28/04/2021, £20,030.69.
c). Internal Audit date scheduled for 1 June 2021.
d). Five 2020 Road Warden grants are still outstanding from DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund.
32.21. Date of next Parish Council Meetings Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall (Main Hall).
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk ahead of the meeting to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated: 3/5/21