Annual Parish Meeting – 31st March 2022
1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Apologies for absence
3. County & District Councillor Reports: Cllrs Julian Brazil & Richard Foss
4. Slapton Line Partnership update: Sam Lew, Adaptation Manager
5. Approve Minutes of meeting held on 3 May 2021
6. Annual Report of the Parish Council: Chair Julie Hinder
7. Community Group Reports
8. Any Further Questions?
Living with Covid-19 and meeting attendance guidelines.
The Hall will be well ventilated so please dress in warm clothing. Parishioners are encouraged to wear a face covering in a crowded indoor setting. Please do not attend the meeting if you have recently tested positive for Covid-19, or feel unwell, to help prevent the spread of disease. Please use hand-gel on entering and exiting the room and follow the one-way system. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.
Annual Parish Meeting – Minutes 31st March 2023
Click here to view the Annual Parish Meeting Presentation
In attendance: 7 Parish Councillors, Clerk, 4 members of the public, Peter Watson and Tim Quiterio (Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service)
Apologies for absence:– Cllr Abbey, Cllr Crowson, Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, Sam Lew, Adaptation Manager, Andrew Naish and Hilary Davey– White Close Trust (all due to illness) and Jane Cumberlidge – prior meeting. The clerk also received many parishioner apologies due to Covid-19 related concerns.
- Welcome – Chair
- Police report – The Chair reported the Council as part of the Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate scheme were now in receipt of regular police updates which were shared on the PC website and CSG FB Page. The Dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: is Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 for the Dartmouth and Rural Neighbourhood areas. Slapton’s nominated Cllr Advocate is Cllr David Murphy.
- County and District Councillor reports
- Devon County Council Annual report: Written report from Cllr Julian Brazil
Council tax up 1.99% general + 1% adult social care levy. Cllr Brazil did not support these increases although understands why the administration proposed them. The Government could easily introduce legislation that would allow local authorities to raise monies (more than enough in Devon and especially the South Hams) by introducing a double council tax on second homes. You can’t support a government that doesn’t fund you properly and then say there isn’t a choice. There is an increase in spending on Adult Social Care above and beyond the council tax increase and also on Special Educational Needs. This is good news but these increases are being funded from reserves and are therefore unsustainable – you can only spend reserves once. Let us hope central government is more generous to us next year. - District Council report – Report from Cllr Richard Foss
Reported that the garden waste service is starting this week.
The increase in Council tax amounts to £5 a year for band D, a small cost on Southhams Tax but the county fire brigade and police will make it a good deal more. SHDC only receive 9p of every £ of the Council Tax.
- Devon County Council Annual report: Written report from Cllr Julian Brazil
- Slapton Line Partnership – Sam Lew, Adaptation Manager – Apologies for Absence due to Covid, Summary project report for Slapton Parish Council Date: 14th March 2022 Author: Sam Lew – Adaptation Manager: Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation read out by the Chair:The need for adaptation on Slapton Line and the surrounding area arises from the predicted loss of a significant section of the A379: The Slapton Line – running for ~4 km from Torcross to Strete Gate along a mobile shingle barrier that is highly susceptible to erosion and storm damage, accelerated by the climate crisis. Due to a combination of factors, the likelihood of Slapton Line being reinstated after future storm damage is increasingly unlikely. The rate of erosion and intensity of storms, limited effectiveness of hard engineering for this coastal scenario, and the need to work within critical environmental legislation to protect wildlife for future generations, limits options for maintaining the road long-term. As a result, the Slapton Line Partnership, made of up specialists in engineering, economics, climate, and environment across public, private and third sector organisations collectively proposed the employment of an Adaptation Manager, to lead on the co-creation and delivery of an Adaptation Plan through a participative approach with the local community. Understandably, there are concerns locally about how the loss of Slapton Line will impact the community and economy. However, with successful adaptation planning and delivery with community participation at its heart, the changes to the area through the loss of Slapton Line can have significant benefits to nature, society and the economy that can create strong climate resilient communities into the future. Adaptation in the context of Slapton Line means working locally to create a vision for a prospering community where the Line is no longer viable and creating a road map for how to get there with meaningful engagement and participation with residents and businesses. Adaptation Manager role The Adaptation Manager role has been funded on a two-year fixed term basis through a Local Levy and in-kind support provided by our core funders the Environment Agency, Devon County Council, South Hams District Council, and the South Devon AONB. Dr Sam Lew has taken on this important role, with a background in ocean and coastal science (natural and social), project and partnership management, and community and business engagement in the coastal and marine space. A series of tasks have been agreed by the core funders that will be delivered over the two years, with an expectation that the role will continue beyond.
Tasks include:
1. Lead on the co-creation an Adaptation Plan for Slapton Line and the surrounding area by working collaboratively with the Slapton Line Partnership and local communities On the 5th of April the Slapton Line Partnership will be undertaking a workshop with two outcomes
• Co-create the higher-level Vision and Goals for the Adaptation Plan and key areas for delivery
• Agree ways of working between Slapton Line Partners and the local community that ensures transparency, accountability and meaningful participation with local residents and business Once we have a strong foundation and structure for the Adaptation Plan, we will work locally through the Parish Councils to understand Actions that are necessary to achieve the Goals and deliver the Plan.
- Identify and deliver quicks wins through liaison with local communities that will accelerate adaptation planning for the area. Although it is critical to work locally to develop the Adaptation Plan, there are key immediate areas of work that need attention. Throughout the development of the Adaptation Plan, these projects will be prepared and delivered with necessary engagement to ensure they are locally relevant and supported.
- Compile a manual of Contingency and Emergency Response Plans for activities that may be impacted through damage to or closure of the Line. A manual will be produced that brings together shared duties and responsibilities of public authorities in the event of damage and closure of Slapton Line. This document will enable collaborative and joint working between authorities and will provide residents with a clear description of the contingency and emergency response.
- Develop a Funding Strategy for a blended model of public, private and third sector investment for the delivery of the Adaptation Plan. A living document will be created that outlines an approach that capitalises from new and emerging opportunities, and strategically secures resources to deliver the Adaptation Plan.
- Connect to the Coastal Change Management Area to ensure development considers the nature of a rapidly changing coastal area in Local Plans. A CCMA is ‘an area identified in Local Plans as likely to be affected by coastal change (physical change to the shoreline through erosion, coastal, landslip, permanent inundation or coastal accretion). As such, the scenario at Slapton Line will be incorporated into the CCMA for the Joint Local Plan.
- Write guidance for coastal practitioners to enable transfer of knowledge and experience gained through adaptation to other areas in Devon and the UK. Coastal Adaptation, driven in part by the Climate Crisis, is a relatively new area of work and it is essential that we enable education and collaboration across the UK and overseas to ensure we are building on best practice and experience.
- Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
a).Tim Quiterio – Community Safety Officer:
Spoke about how to be safe at home as Slapton is vulnerable (58% of death from fires occur in people who live alone, are over 65). Every 6 days someone dies with cigarette or equipment related fires. Repairing a home after a fire can take at least 6 months and involve living elsewhere during this time so is very disruptive.
The Fire Service have a small team of Fire Safety Officers who offer Free 45 minute safety visits to residents to advise on how to make their homes safe and also offer free safety equipment such as Hearing Aid Fire detector devices, point sticks to test fire alarms from standing, Extension leads, hard of hearing sensory smoke alarms (Strobe lights and vibrating pillow pads), 30 minute cut off plugs, self-extinguishing pillows and mattress throw and protectors, carbon monoxide, heat and smoke alarms in case of spiders and dust giving a false reading on other alarms. The team also offer warm and well packs for people in fuel poverty and will help refer to other agencies such as free chimney sweeps, boiler servicing and arson proof letter boxes.
The PC agreed to promote the service to the parish. Clerk to follow up.
b). Peter Watson – Operation Risk Manager (South Command Area).
Reported that the Fire Service had a range of different fire vehicles to address different road and access situations. A member of the public asked if a supply of leaflets could be provided to put on cars parked inconsiderately to prompt to park sensibly next time and if a fine could be applied to the vehicle owners. Officer Watson advised a supply of leaflets could be provided to put in the village bus stop so that Cllrs or members of the public could access these to put on car windows. Officer Watson stated that the Fire Service was allowed to move or drag vehicles obstructing vehicles but the parishes local police officer would need to advise on parking fines. Clerk to follow up.
Both officers left the meeting at 7.10pm.
5. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 May 2021 – Read, approved and signed by the Chairman.
6. Annual Report of the Parish Council – Chair Julie Hinder
(Click here to view the Annual Meeting presentation) which can be also be viewed online, or a copy requested from the Clerk.
The Chair introduced the Cllrs and their roles on the Parish Council and stated there was a current vacancy due to Cllr Wollacott relocating to another area. The Chair expressed their sincere thanks for all the support given by Cllr Wollacott to the Chair and contributions made to the parish.
The Chair explained the legal powers which governed the scope of work and services that a parish council could provide and introduced other people that supported the PC including the Road Warden, 2 Tree Wardens, 2 DCC PROW pathways volunteers overseeing 11 miles of public footpaths, volunteer Snow Warden and Community Support Group (CSG) Member volunteers. The CSG was originally set up to provide support to the community during the pandemic but now focusses on a wide range of issues including climate change, Neighbourhood Planning, community well-being, adapting to a changing world and short-term special community projects such as the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The Chair welcomed anyone to join the CSG who may wish to support either short or long-term projects in the parish.
The Chair then presented the Annual Report by reading out the presentation slides. Click here to view and print the Annual Parish Meeting Presentation Slides.
Summary of key points from the presentation:
The Chair updated that the PC are a dynamic PC of committed members, holding 11 monthly meetings a year minimum plus the Annual Parish Meeting and also some Cllrs attend the monthly CSG committee working group meetings and 4 quarterly committee meetings. Over 1000 combined hours of free time and skills are given by Cllrs in managing services for the parish, lobbying upstream government agencies and providing a voice and contact point for the community to channel requests and issues. The PC are also accountable for every penny spent of tax payers’ money and a key role of the clerk is to secure grants and other non-precept funding to help fund services and community facilities. In 2021 over £6k had been raised in grant funding from a range of government schemes.
The PC in 2021 have modernised processes and IT systems to meet Data Protection and improve operational efficiencies.
Digital levelling up:
- Digital upgrade to MS Office 365
- Parish Online – Digital Parish Mapping and Assets Register
- Local rate VOIP contact number for the PC/CSG and Clerks office. 01548 312090. (All calls to this number from UK landlines and mobiles are charged at the normal call rates applied by your service provider. Please check your current tariff for current prices).
- CSG Facebook rebranded/repositioned
- PC website expanded to incorporate new work streams
- Governance Documents: Planning / Projects / Rolling Actions Log
- New regulated CSG Sub Committee.
- Risk Register updated
- New Auditor appointed
- Payroll Provider appointed
- Clerks renumeration benchmarked to SLCC criteria
All Cllrs have a specific area of responsibility and interest. The Planning Cllrs reviewed 31 planning applications in 2021 and presented recommendations to the PC for consideration.
The PC are addressing climate change and have adapted the PC’s mowing plan to align to DCC Good Verge Guide Mowing plan to encourage and support bio-diversity. It is hoped that more local wild plant species will come through. The Leat on Carr Lane has been repaired and the walls made higher to address the increase in water flowing in winter.
An informal speed survey was undertaken over several weeks in the Autumn of 2021 by Cllrs.
Top speeds recorded across the parish with 20mph zones, from a sample of 179 vehicles are:
- South Grounds Farm/ Sands Road: 45mph
- Greenbanks corner: 30mph
- Recreation field entrance: 20-30mph
- Prospect Hill: 30mp
- Only 36% of vehicles travelled at 0-20mph. 65% are going too fast.
The results are with DCC Highways and a SCARF survey has been requested which means that if the results are similar to the above, this triggers DCC to install speed calming measures such as rumble strips / road sign (new or improved signs).
DCC PROW P3 Scheme Annual Survey: Each year x2 P3 volunteers walk the 11 miles of parish paths and report on any damage found to gates, styles or path surfaces. In 2021 A grant was approved to purchase and install new styles, gates and livestock/ dog waste signs, working with local farmers.
DCC Road Warden Scheme – The Road Warden is responsible for the parish mowing, buddle holes, pothole repairs, weed clearance and general village repairs including helping to clear up Brook Street and Prospect Hill after the flood last October 2021. Works are ongoing, 2 days a month and new buddle holes have been identified in the outer parish which will be maintained to help reduce standing road surface water. The clerk has requested to DCC Highways that the verges on Blacksmiths Hill and 5 Mile Lane will be ploughed out in Autumn 2022 to help prevent flooding downstream and this has been placed on the DCC works programme once the mowing tractors have their snow ploughs fitted for winter.
Community Projects – The winter Dog Recreation Field Access Trial has proved the Recreation field to be a popular facility with dog owners with 383 visitors to the field for the period 1st Feb – 31st March 2022. The field now has space for 2 cars, a wild flower area, commemorative Queens Platinum Jubilee recycled plastic picnic bench and 2 commemorative crab apple trees and the grass left long to encourage bio-diversity and wildlife. The postponed February Beach clean is being rescheduled to late spring. Slapton All-Stars now operates under the CSG as a youth working group. Cllr Sullock continues to run the Slapton foodbank collection point at the village hall which received 1437 non-perishable items and £715 in cash to year end 31st March 2022. Cllr J Brazil has approved a Localities grant to purchase a litter picking kit for use by all Parishes in the Coleridge Association.
Voice of the Community – The Parish Council regularly write to our local MP Anthony Mangnall regarding concerns regarding the loss of the A379 and impact on the parish, lobbying and supporting hybrid meetings to encourage democracy by improved access to PC meetings, issues resulting from wild camping at the beach car park and undertake parish surveys such as parishioner requirements for the recreation field.
Plans for 2022 – Parish Council
- Developing a 4-year business/financial plan
- Supporting the Neighbourhood Plan development
- Engagement with the Adaptation Manager / Slapton Line Partnership / Lobbying and Championing the parish position
- Speed survey follow up with DCC highways police liaison officer.
- Beach monument relocation support.
- Grant funding applications: Beach footpath repairs
- PROW Paths – ensuring delivery of repairs / landowner support / annual inspections
- Website – Platform update to meet Website Accessibility legislation
- Supporting the CSG members/committee plans.
- Ongoing Parish Maintenance.
- 2023 Local elections preparation
- 2021/22 Annual Internal Audit
- Working with upstream authorities on levelling up and climate change.
- Recruitment for the Cllr Vacancy by Co-option
Plans for 2022 – Community Support Committee (CSG)
- Platinum Jubilee Weekend programme.
- Leading the Parish Neighbourhood Plan.
- Coleridge Litter Picking events.
- BT Phone Box renovation – Parishioner led.
- All Stars events.
- Have-A-Go Dog agility – Recreation field
- More Community projects – TBC.
- Investigating grant funding for 2 village gateways.
- Emergency planning for the village adaptation, climate change and local emergencies.
Indicative votes were held on the following topics as follows;
- Continuation of parish road warden services: For:4 / Against:0 / Abstained: 0
- Continuation dog access on the recreation field: For:1 / Against:0 / Abstained:3
- Installation of a community notice board at Start: For:0 / Against:0 / Abstained:4 – dependent on costs
- Development of a Neighbourhood Plan: For:4 / Against:0 / Abstained:0
The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Events are being arranged by the CSG over the bank holiday weekend as follows but are dependent on parishioners coming forward to help. The events are kindly grant funded by the Slapton Village Community Shop and raffle prizes are donated.
- Thursday 2nd June – Beacon Lighting at 9.45pm
- Friday 3rd June – Cream Tea at the Village Hall
- Saturday 4th June – BBQ at the Village Hall
Raffle and prizes and village scarecrow trail running over the weekend.
7. Police Update: Cllr Murphy (Police Cllr Advocate)
Cllr Murphy stated that in the past there had been a lack of attendance at the APM by the Police but now that the Parish Council was a member of the OPCC Police Cllr Advocate scheme, communications with Devon and Cornwall Police were much improved. Due to low crime rates in Slapton, the police had not visited this year, although the parish had a new Police Officer, Ollie Ambercrombie.
Common police updates received from the Police were missing people and rural crimes such as farming and wildlife crimes and more recently fuel crimes. Survey updates were also issued and these are published in the PC’s notice boards.
Cllr Murphy reported that Operation Scorpion had been launched in the last few days as a special operation and response to the war against drugs.
To get in touch with the police parishioners are advised to visit the Devon and Cornwall Police website
8. Financial Report – Chair Julie Hinder
2021/22 Precept – £14,713.00
- Spend: £19,086.42
- Income: £20,861.43
- Reserves: £13,273:
-Un-ringfenced: £5,080
-Ringfenced: £8,193 - Cash at Bank 31/3/22: £15,071.50
- **Awaiting £189.46 Vat refund
- Income from Precept, Village Club Donations, Shop Donations, DCC Localities and HMCEF and PROW grants and VAT refund
2022/23 Precept – £23,044
a). The increase is due to a number of factors: Inflation and rising supplier/employment costs, reserves now at the minimum recommended level with a final £2,910 being used to help offset costs and which have been used over the past few years to fund services, devolution of maintenance services from District and County Council who have their precepts capped by government and so pass down the work without a supporting budget to parish councils. County and District support this way of working so that local priorities can be set by the parish. The PC cost and account for every £1 spent. The clerk’s costs are offset by the grant funding raised and in 2021 this was just over £6K combined.
b). 2022 Bank account Ring-fenced funds:
- £6,000 75 months operational emergency float as per Gvt guidelines
- £1,000 – New website build to meet Accessibility Regulations for public sector bodies
- £180.00 – Annual DCC P3 pavement scheme – repairs
- £250.00 – Pandemic Tapestry Grant
- £117.00 – All Starts
- £377 – Pavement repairs and traffic calming
c). Grant Applications – Invited in August Annually. All requests for funding to the parish clerk.
d). Thank yous were given:
- To all our Cllrs past and present, Our Road, Tree and Snow Wardens, CSG Volunteers DCC PROW Volunteers, Cllr Richard Foss, Cllr Julian Brazil, the Clerk and all parish organisations for their continued support.
- A big thank you to all parishioners and the FSC for supporting the Council during the annual road sweeping, drain and keeping their vehicles off the roads to enable this.
- A special thank you to the Village Community Shop for a grant of £1200 to the PC/CSG to cover costs for the Queens Platinum Jubilee Weekend village celebrations and CSG volunteers for organising this.
- To Cllr J Brazil for two localities grants: £400 for a Jubilee community Picnic Table and £650 for the Coleridge Litter Picking Kit totalling £1,050 to both Slapton and other local parish communities.
- Cllr Sullock thanked the Chair on behalf of the PC for all their hard work over the year.
9. Community Group Reports
There were 10 written reports from the following parish groups: Village Hall Committee, Horticultural Committee, SAP’s, St James Church, White Close, Slapton Strollers, Slapton Short Mat Bowles Club, FSC, Bell Ringing, Open Gardens.
a). Village Hall Committee – Written report by Patsy Edgecombe
Despite the last two years with the hall hardly being used it is at last back in action! The hall has always been conscious of Covid with secure measures being in place which has enabled essential services such as the Post Office and the Food Bank continue to operate. Since the pandemic we have placed a new cupboard in the meetings room for cleaning equipment, replaced the fridge and thanks to the Shop Committee the car park is looking wonderful! We have had the hearing loop and sound system inspected and it is running well, the five yearly electrical testing of the hall resulted in a bill recently of £900 which added to the bill for the redecorating of the hall outside just before Covid which amounted to over £5000. So, the hall committee have continued to keep the hall functioning without unfortunately the income for the last two years. We have increased charges slightly but this was before the rise in electricity costs so this may have to be monitored. But on a positive note, it is so good to see the hall once again being used once more!
b). Horticultural Show – Written report by Patricia Edgecombe
We will be holding a Horticultural Show this year after having to cancel for the last 2 years. It will be held on 13th August. We know a lot of people missed having the Show so hope you will all be eager to exhibit again this year and will be ready for some friendly competition! A copy of the Classes available to enter will be in the April Slapton Lines and Shop Notice Board, and the Schedule will be available in June. Hopefully, with your support, the Show will once again be a very successful Village Event. Our AGM will be on Tuesday, 26th April.
c). SAP’s – No report
d). Slapton Lines – No report
e). St James Church – Written report by Sue Staines, Church Warden
The most exciting news we have is the arrival of a priest to serve us in the Start Bay Benefice. Rev. Mark Neave will take up the post in June and will be resident at the West Charleston Rectory. Kaye Harris has joined Sue Staines as a Churchwarden. In addition, she is offering an Anna Chaplaincy Service, which she will explain separately. We have a vacancy on the PCC and would especially welcome a volunteer with secretarial skills as our secretary wishes to retire. We plan a short Sunday thanksgiving service for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to which we welcome all to attend. Ed Welch will accompany the singing and we hope to incorporate many personal memories of how Her Majesty has influenced our lives. The church having been closed since Christmas 2020, we reopened to celebrate Easter 2021 and we have been holding regular services since then with attendances averaging ten to fifteen, depending on the type of service. The relaxation of the restriction on communal singing was a joyful landmark at the end of July. Our bellringing team has been depleted since the original lockdown by moves and retirements and new recruits are urgently needed. During 2021 the church has hosted one wedding and 8 funerals or graveside services. Our fundraising efforts continue to support our Grade I Listed Building with a worsening damp problem in the Southwest facing stonework. The Quinquennial Report also highlighted the need for works on our windows. Specialist builders have been to inspect and we await further developments. Our retiring Treasurer, Clive Jennings, has handed over to Andrew Naish, with our accounts just breaking even in 2021. Many thanks to all who helped out in various ways in 2021. This Easter Saturday we invite you to come along to the Spring Market at the Village Hall to view and buy locally made crafts, get some raffle tickets and relax with a cup of coffee. The main event of our year, the Fete, has been moved from the Bank Holiday, just for this year, to Saturday, 6th August. The second-hand book stall in the church is open daily. After a very short season last year, Church Cafe will open on Easter Sunday to operate each Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday afternoon until the end of September. Although the church is accessible every day and we hold regular Sunday Services we hope the Church Cafe will provides something different – a weekly relaxing meeting place for residents and visitors alike. We hope many will come along in support of our volunteers who work so hard to keep St. James’s Church an open and welcoming building.
f). SLAGS- Kate Palmer, Chair
g). Slapton Strollers – Lorna Troake
Slapton Strollers ran no walks in April or May last year because of Covid restrictions and the usual ‘bring and share’ supper in January had to be cancelled. The first walk of this calendar year was to Beesands, led by Janice Shiner, on June 24th. Twelve walks have taken place since the beginning of July, ranging from a walk around Andrew’s Wood guided by Mike Hitch, an enlightening one around Chillington led by Patsy and Paul, wonderful views from Snapes Point organised by Jane, to another invigorating walk led by Janice in Kingswear. The walk that surprised us all was the one around the village which was attended by more than 60 people. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed stories told by Shirley, Patsy and Keith about the village and how it has changed over the years; David’s history of the Community Shop; Val’s account, with Rob’s help, of the Field Studies Council and the setting up of the Field Centre; and anyone else who had a story to tell added their two pennyworth. It was great fun. It was Slapton Strollers, fifth anniversary in October 2021, the first walk being on October 6th 2016 to Beesands. We’re not sure whether it’s the walking or the fact that we finish up with lunch, usually in a pub, that attracts folk.
h). Slapton Short Mat Bowls Club. A.Wotton. (Secretary).
The Club, who were vying with Totnes, to become South Hams champions in 2020,were cut short by the pandemic, when activities ceased, caused by the lockdown, in early March. Following the long spell of non-bowling, the members made a cautious return in October 2021,and managed to play against a few other clubs. We are now looking forward to September, when hopefully the South Hams League fixtures, will give us some competitive opposition. Our numbers at present, are slightly down from pre Covid, but with 18 members now, are looking to secure some new blood. With less players, we found it difficult to sustain our expenses, so have been forced to increase our subs, and cut the amount of bowling in the summer months
i). Village Shop Committee – No report
j). Field Study Centre – Kate Payne (Centre Manager)
The last two years have been extremely challenging for the FSC but the future looks positive and business is good.
Slapton has remained one of the busiest centres and in addition to our regular schools we have picked up some new ones. Bookings are positive and from this month until the end of October we are mostly full.
We have said goodbye to some of our staff as they have set off on new adventures but we have recruited some wonderful new members to the team. I’m sure you will see some of them around. Kieran, our new NNR ranger, started earlier in the year and has been actively meeting with partners, exploring every bit of the nature reserve and working closely with our volunteers.
The Slapton newsletter has been delivered and will be put through local doors soon.
Alice, regional volunteer coordinator, is working with local schools and surgeries to offer Wellbeing sessions this year. These will all be on the nature reserve focusing on the benefits of being outside. Alice also organises Celebrate start bay, on the 21st August this year. If you would like to have a stall or can help please drop in and ask for Alice.
k). Slapton All Stars – No report
l). Whist and Euchre – No report.
m). White Close (Slapton) Trust – Graham Burton (Chair)
Over the past year we feel White Close has really come alive with lots of progress in maintaining the site, many community events held, and increases in the number of regular visitors.
We have organised:
- An Easter Egg hunt
- A nature walk
- The very successful village picnic last June, attended by 85 people
- A star-gazing evening
- The creation of the orchard of local varieties of apple, pear and plum
The area has also been used by other groups for activities such as Slapton All Stars building hedgehog houses. As a reminder, the Close is available for everybody all year round to use for gatherings and events as well as anything we organise ourselves.
The Trust’s financial situation is much improved too. We launched the Friends of White Close in October and many villagers have signed up or made donations. This has been essential to make sure we can cover the costs of regular paid maintenance such as suppressing the bracken. Thank you all. We’ve also had very generous grants from other charities that have helped us progress larger projects.
We’re still very reliant on volunteers helping with the maintenance of the site, particularly in ensuring that paths stay clear and safe. We have held 8 volunteer mornings in the last year and have been well supported with willing helpers. We’re very grateful for their support.
A key focus for the start of this year has been to work on a 5-year management plan for White Close which will help us guide our activity longer term. We’ve also signed up 2 new Trustees to help share the load.
We plan to hold our own AGM in late summer where we will present the management plan as well as our accounts. This meeting will be open to all and we’ll be seeking your views and ideas.
Our plans for this year include:
- Repeats of the Easter Egg hunt and a second village picnic
- A major project to improve the vehicle access at the top of the site
- The usual regular volunteer sessions to keep the paths clear and safe
Finally, if you are not already a regular to White Close, do come and walk the paths or sit on one of the benches to look at the beautiful view. It is a wonderful spot for a picnic!
n). Pickle ball – No report.
o). Open Gardens – Jane Cumberlidge and Carol Beaumont
We are hoping to hold an open gardens weekend on 11/12 June but details have yet to be finalised.
p). Bell ringing – Jane Cumberlidge
We managed to ring in the new millennium but now, just over twenty years on, we don’t have enough people to ring on Sundays. For weddings and special services, we are helped by ringers from other churches but we can no longer ring on a regular basis. If any new residents of the village are bell ringers, or anyone would like to learn or brush-up their ringing Sue Staines or I would like to hear from you.
10. Open for Parishioners to raise other matters
a). A parishioner asked on the progress of the pandemic tapestry. The Chair advised this was being launched at the Jubilee Weekend when it would be on display. The delay was due to technical issues reproducing the artwork.
b). Cllr Staines reported the Field Study Centre were operating a beach clean this coming Saturday.
c). If anyone has any comments please either contact the Chair or feedback via the village shop feedback box.
There being no further business the Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.30 pm
SIGNED Chairman: Julie Hinder
Dated: 27th April 2023
Minutes – March 2022
Present: Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Murphy.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss, 2 members of the public, 2 Cllrs in waiting.
161-21. ELECTION OF NEW CLLRS – The PC voted unanimously to co-opt Mr Michael Crowson and Mr Joseph Waters as Cllrs. The clerk witnessed the wet signature of the Acceptance of Office and Dispensation Forms for both new Cllrs.
162-21. Apologies for absence – Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Gavin Wollacott, Study Leave.
163 -21. Declarations of interest – None.
164.21. Public comment
2 members of the public attended to present and outline of the ‘Walking Bus Scheme’ designed to encourage children to become more active. The proposed scheme would operate across Chillington, Stokenham, Sherford and other outlying villages walkable to Stokenham School. It was proposed the Walking bus could operate once a week and perhaps twice in the summer terms if parents were available to support. The ‘buses’ would be for younger aged children, 5-6 in a group, aim to get 5-10% of young children walking to school and also reduce the number of cars on the roads. Regarding Slapton, the back lane route via Deerbridge is too narrow and dangerous, the A379 to long a walk. The most direct route is via Ireland and the old footpath to Stokenham. The parishioners felt more parents would get involved if the route could be opened.
The Chair asked if the Head of the school and PTA had been consulted as there were safeguarding issues to consider. They had not but were confident would support this. The Chair suggested that a pilot be run over the summer terms and that permission be sought from the FSC who managed the land in the form or a licence.
Cllr R Foss stated that Sam Lew, the new Adaptation Manager was already looking at walkable back routes as part of the adaptation plan for when the A379 breaches and this initiative should be discussed with Sam Lew. Cllr Foss stated to mention in applying for a licence the educational aspect of the walk and that he could assist with grants.
Clerk to put the parishioners in touch with the FSC and Sam Lew.
165-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. Cllr Murphy reported the following Devon and Cornwall Alert: A Road safety warning was received regarding Storm Eunice.
166-21. County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil:
a) A 3% increase has been agreed for the 2022-23 budget: 2% increase for DCC services and 1% for social care equating to £65 for Band D on a sliding scale for other bands. Extra budget from the reserves was been allocate for adult social care and special educational needs.
b) DCC Highways cyclic works budget – No update pending reply. The clerk reported they had spoken to Lisa Edmunds at Highways who reported concerns over the impact of a change of Council and loss of central budget for emergency works.
c) Verge cut out / buddle hole clearance works on Prospect Hill and Blacksmith’s Hill following village Flooding 20th /21st October 2021. No update.
d) Slapton Line Partnership Meeting – Next meeting 22 March 2022 at Follaton House. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Crowson attending.
e) Beach Monument – Next meeting 10/3/22 at Strete Village Hall to approve the contracts. Planning still needs to be applied for.
f) Road Closures – No major works or closures planned this month.
g) Deer Bridge Repairs now completed. The PC thanked DCC Highways.
2) Cllr R Foss:
a) Cllr Foss welcomed the new Cllrs.
b) Green waste collections – The first collection date is Monday 22nd or 28th March depending on collection cycle. Extra staff are being allocated for the first collection to help empty and clean bins. The collections may run for a full 12 months – under discussion.
c) SHDC Green Waste Composting scheme. £200K has been allocated to fund community composting schemes and grants are available to make a hard surface if land can be allocated.
d) Beach car park repairs – Scheduled for 21st March 22.
e) Annual Parish Meeting – 31 March 2022. Cllr Foss reported this co-incided with a full council evening meeting but would look to try and attend the SPC APM.
f) Neighbourhood Plan – There was currently no allocated officer to assist the Parish with guidance on preparing an NHP. Cllr Foss advised to keep the approach simple.
g) 44/1852/13/F – S106 land Carr Lane. No update from Pat Whymer. Cllr Foss reported that SHDC Planning Dept were under considerable pressure with staffing shortages and made a general point that parishioners should undertake a Pre-Application to assist in a quicker reply to their Planning Applications.
h) Grants:
i) A SHDC broadband speed improvement grant up-to £600 is available to Farmers and residents in outlying areas of the parish. Cllr Foss asked if the PC could promote the scheme. Cllr Waters to speak to neighbouring Farms. Clerk to add to Website/CSG FB.
j) An Eco grant of up to £500 per parish is available to PC’s for whips and planting schemes. The deadline is 31 March 2023. Clerk to update Chair.
k) Queens Platinum Jubilee: Cllr Foss advised a £100 grant was available to each parish to support jubilee celebrations: Clerk to apply online. i) SHDC Council Tax – This is increasing by £5 for Band D pro-rota to present a £200K annual shortfall which over 5yrs would equate to a £1m deficit. Government changes to business rates and housing income may cause additional pressures with no central funding.
l) Reservoir on 5 mile lane. Cllr Mitchelmore raised that building works were seemingly taking place and hedges had been removed in an AONB, despite the PC objecting to the planning application 0376/18/FUL previously as in an AONB. Cllr Waters advised he had seen the land being sold with planning permission. Cllr Foss agreed to raise this with SHDC enforcements to investigate. Cllr Brazil advised a similar issue had taken place at a reservoir at Dunstone Cross and it was unlikely that the reservoir would have planning based on non being granted previously.
167.21: MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7th February 2022, were agreed, subject to noting that Cllr Mitchelmore had sent apologies and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record
168-21. Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
The Chair asked of all Cllrs had moved to the new system. Clerk to arrange with the supplier for Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Waters and Cllr Crowson to be added.
169.21 Matters in Abeyance
a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Meeting 10th March to finalise the contract. Chair and Cllr Abbey to attend. Complete – remove.
b) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting late Spring 2022.
d) Village Composting Scheme – Review parish requirements spring 2022 after SHDC service update announcement – Remove – Green waste collections resuming.
e) Devon Wildlife Trust Landmark Trees and mini nurseries community – Pending a decision on the village playing field – Discuss April Meeting.
f) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
g) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
h) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 14th March 2022.
170.21. Planning
0381/22/HHO – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
No comment.
0382/22/LBC – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
No comment.
0404/22/FUL – Land at SX 799 472 Dittiscombe
Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling (mobile home)(resubmission of application 0362/21/FUL).
No comment – Enables lambing support.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
4366/21/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of four bespoke designed and built wooden lodges for holiday accommodation, ancillary car port with solar panels and landscape planting.
171.21 Matters for discussion
a) Annual Parish Meeting 31-3-22: Any comments on the slide deck to be returned to the clerk by 15/3/22 as this was late being issued. Cllrs to contact the village clubs and invite to submit a written reply for the Chair to read out at the APM. Cllr Abbey to follow up invite with the Fire Officer. The advertising poster and Covid-19 arrangements were approved. Cllr Sullock. Cllr Staines to distribute posters, clerk to add to website / notice boards. All Cllrs to attend at 6pm on the 31st March to help set up the hall.
b) Financials / Admin:
i. DCC HMCEF grant claim update. The Chair and Clerk explained the issues being faced in claiming 2021 road warden’s costs. Clerk to resubmit the 2022 grant application and record the time to do this.
ii. Queens Jubilee event strategy. The PC approved ticket numbers of 200-300 for the cream tea and 200 for the BBQ party . Cllr Abbey reported that the Grant budget had been finalised
iii. NEST pension scheme update / Monthly Direct Debit: Cllr Sullock and Cllr Murphy signed the DD mandate as per resolution 172.21b below.
iv. 2022-22 pay award settlement: Cllr Murphy proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and the PC unanimously approved to change the clerk’s contract to 40 hrs per month on pay scale SP33, effective from 1-4-22. Clerk to draft contract/ add for resolution next meeting.
v. Clerks holiday and VOIP tel no cover. Clerk to arrange for all calls to be re-directed to Cllr Abbey from 18-30th March.
c) Projects:
i. Queens Jubilee – The Chair confirmed the event plans and budget were in place. Cllr Sullock agreed to arrange for the Union Jack flags to be flown at the Beach Monument over the Jubilee Weekend. The PC approved the supplier/costs for the Commemorative trees and bench. Clerk to draft the Plaque wording for approval next meeting.
ii. Recreation Field Winter trial update: SHDC dog waste bin collection frequency/fee – carry to next meeting. The PC unanimously approved the purchase of a temporary gate structure for insurance / at a cost of £46.00 to meet insurance requirements.
iii. SHDC Community composting scheme – It was agreed not to progress as no land was available.
iv. Snow Warden Scheme – It was agreed to add to Matters in Abeyance. Clerk to add.
v. Village Gateways and containers – Chair to submit a Grant Application as per guidance from Cllr Foss – refer 166.21/2(h)(b).
vi. Plastic beach recycling box: It was agreed not to progress due to lack of support from SHDC.
d) Village Maintenance:
i. Devon County HM Prison and probation service ‘Community Payback Scheme’. It was agreed for the clerk to submit the agreed list of PC projects. Clerk to draft and submit.
ii. March Road Warden Brief. Clerk to draft and submit agreed list of March works to the Road Warden.
172.21 Proposals for resolution
a) It was proposed by Cllr Abbey and Seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to update the Village Assets, register to a value of £13,444.44 to include The Queens Platinum Jubilee event at a cost of £407.00.
b) It was proposed by Cllr Sullock and seconded by Cllr Murphy to resolve to approve SPC statutory monthly pension contributions to the PC’s NEST pension scheme by Direct Debit from the PC’s bank account.
173.21 Clerk’s report
a) The clerk asked if the PC would support them in running a village ‘ have a go’ dog agility club on the recreation field during the dog access trial period and subject to confirmation from the PC’s Insurance company this would be insured for Public Liability. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to action all insurance requirements and advertise the event.
b) The clerk raised of the damaged wall at Townsend Cross had been reported as the debris was blocking the gully. It was agreed for the Clerk to report to highways and ask the Road Warden to remove the debris.
For information only:
- 13 CSG Facebook and 9 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted February, CSG, Covid-19 and Cllr Pages updated.
- Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – Feb Road Warden Work brief.
- Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- Payroll Supplier liaison – 1st Payroll.
- DCC / SHDC Liaison: Localities Jubilee commemorative bench grant return.
- APM – meeting with Chair/slide deck drafting.
- SPC NEST pension scheme set up. P3 Scheme – Chased late payment of 2021 Grant.
- P3 Scheme 2022 Grant submission for 14 Feb 2022 deadline.
- CSG Meetings: 2022 calendar bookings, Feb agenda, project meeting attendance/Minutes.
- Office and budget administration.
- SLCC Practitioner’s Seminar – 3 full days attendance 15/16/17th February.
- Notice board updates.
- Liaison with DWT/ Tree Wardens re Commemorative trees.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee: Jubilee Bench grant processing/bench order placed/ X 2 project meetings attendance /Budget analysis/S137 set up /Poster copy brief / budget set up / project team meeting attendance.
- Recreation field: Dog bin management / visitor numbers monitoring.
174.21. Chair’s report
a) Jubilee Event – Plans progressing. Advertising scheduled for Mid-March.
b) Paddleboat Theatre Company summer event – For 2023.
c) CSG Meeting Update – The focus is on the Jubilee event.
175.21. Councillors’ reports
Cllr Sullock – Reported that drain below the entrance to Marsh Lane was blocked again due to run off from the building site and was this in breach of the planning approvals. Clerk to raise with Cllr R Foss.
Cllr Staines – Raised the issue of speeding in the village. Cllr Mitchelmore suggested that rumble strips on the road next to the old bus stop would be a good solution. Cllr Sullock suggested a flashing speed sign was a good deterrent. Cllr Murphy suggested that the speeding article be repeated in the next edition of the Slapton Lines and informal speed survey be re-run. Clerk to issue speed survey results to Lisa Edmunds and request a formal SCARF be undertaken.
176.21. Financial matters
a). The council approved the below payments:
97/22 £11.98 VC Warehouse C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/2/22 by DD. Invoice For noting March agenda.
S/0 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks remuneration Feb 22). Paid 1-3-22 – noted March agenda. £256.00
98/22 £177.60 Clerk’s adjusted contract time adjustment to 40 hrs (15hrs £153.60 + £24 HMRC working from home allowance).
99/22 £488.40 The Plastic Company, Invoice 11/2/22 no. SI 203006. Queens Jubilee Community Picnic Bench funder by the DCC Localities Grant of £400 received 15/2/22. Paid 25/2/22 (for noting).
100/22 £20.00 Slapton Village Hall – PC meeting 6 and 21st Dec. Invoice no: C01645/22 dated 10/Jan 2022
101/22 £20.00 Slapton Village Hall – PC meeting 10 and 17 Jan . Invoice no: C02657/22 dated 7/2/2022
102/22 £290.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Feb 2022 / 14 hrs. Invoice 1404/22 dated 23/2/22
103/22 £74.51 Nick Mathias – Recreation field car park are set up. Feb 2022. Invoice 1401/22 dated 13/2/22
104/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, 1st Invoice dated 28/2/22 no 1980.
105/22 £385.00 Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 1st Cut Feb 2022. Invoice no 1403/22 dated 23/2/22
106/22 £44.14 Ian Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice INV-7292 dated 1/3/2022. MS Office Monthly Cllr licences x 9/ x 3 email backups – Feb 13th to March 13th monthly. (30-31 days due to agenda cycles).
107/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Due 15/3/22 by DD. Invoice 1010296 dated 1/3/22.
108/22 £8.00 An Invoice received after the agenda was issued to the Village Hall was also approved re PC meeting 7th Feb 22. Invoice no: C03666/22 dated 3/3 2022.
a) Balance at Bank 1/3/22, £15,953.49
b) DCC Jubilee Bench Localities Grant of £400 received 15/2/22.
c) DCC 2021 P3 Grant of £180.00 – Ros Davis is chasing invoice payment with DCC accounts.
d) HMCEF 2021 expenses grant claim rejected. Need to resubmit.
e) Final 2021 VAT claim of £184.50 – submit by 11/3/22.
f) Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR part 1 and 2 for completed/signing by May 22 meeting latest.
177.21. Next meeting dates:
• Annual Parish Meeting: Thursday 31st March 2022.
• Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 4th April 2022 at 7.00pm.
• CSG Quarterly Committee Meeting: Tuesday 12th April at 7.00pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.00pm.
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair Dated: 4/4/22