Annual Parish Meeting – 26th April 2023
Cllr Julie Hinder, Chairman of Slapton Parish Council, invites you to the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 26th April 2023 at 6.30pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Agenda 26th April 2023
- Welcome from the Chair
- Apologies for absence
- County and District Councillor reports: Cllrs Julian Brazil and Cllr Richard Foss
- Slapton Line Partnership
- Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue
- Approve minutes of meeting held on 31 March 2022
- Annual report of the Parish Council: Chair Julie Hinder
- Community group reports
- Questions from the parish
Living with Covid-19 and meeting attendance guidelines.
The Hall will be well ventilated so please dress in warm clothing. Parishioners are encouraged to wear a face covering in a crowded indoor setting if are vulnerable.
Please do not attend the meeting if you have recently tested positive for Covid-19 or feel unwell, to help prevent the spread of disease.
Please use hand-gel on entering and exiting the room.
Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.
If you have any queries please contact the Clerk by emailing: or calling 01548 312090.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 26th April 2023 at 6.30pm at Slapton Village Hall.
In attendance: Parish Councillors, Cllr R. Foss, Peter Watson and Tim Quiterio (Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service) and members of the public
Apologies for absence: – Jane Cumberlidge, Clerk and RFO.
1. Welcome – Chair
2. Police report – The Chair reported the Council as part of the Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate scheme were now in receipt of regular police updates which were shared on the PC website and CSG FB Page.
a. Currently awaiting appointment of a dedicated Police Sergeant.
b. Slapton’s nominated Cllr Advocate is Cllr Jane Abbey taking over from Cllr David Murphy who is retiring from the PC.
c. Update from Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Leaper:
i. Changes to the way to contact the Police: To improve the Polices non-urgent and non-emergency online contact service, use the online forms available on the new website, rather than emailing 101. The facility to able to send emails to 101 was removed on 17 April 2023.
ii. In (2022) nearly 285,000 999 calls were answered, 241623 101 calls and responded to nearly 963,000 web chat requests. We also received 146,000 emails.
iii. New way to make a non-urgent/non-emergency report online via website: and the new web forms are available on the home page.
iv. If a crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger, always call 999).
v. What is not changing? The 101 phone line and all emergency contact options remain unchanged.
vi. The change only affects the old 101 email addresses ( or
vii. All web forms will be dealt with by the same dedicated and hardworking contact team who would have picked up the email correspondence.
3. County and District Councillor reports
a. Devon County Council Annual report: Written report from Cllr Julian Brazil
b. District Council report – Report from Cllr Richard Foss
4. Slapton Line Partnership – Adaptation Manager
5. Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service: Tim Quiterio – Community Safety Officer:
6. Minutes of the meeting held on 31st March 2022 – Read, approved and signed by the Chairman.
7. Annual Report of the Parish Council – Chair Julie Hinder (the Annual Report presentation can be also be viewed online, or a copy requested from the Clerk)
a. The Chair introduced the Cllrs and their roles on the Parish Council and expressed their sincere thanks for all the support given by Cllr Abbey to the Chair and contributions made to the parish.
b. The Chair explained the legal powers which governed the scope of work and services that a parish council could provide and introduced other people that supported the PC including the Road Warden, 2 Tree Wardens, 2 DCC PROW pathways volunteers overseeing 11 miles of public footpaths, volunteer Snow Warden and Community Support Group (CSG) Member volunteers. The CSG was originally set up to provide support to the community during the pandemic but now focusses on a wide range of issues including climate change, Neighbourhood Planning, community well-being, adapting to a changing world and short-term special community projects such as the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The Chair welcomed anyone to join the CSG who may wish to support either short or long-term projects in the parish.
c. The Chair then presented the Annual Report by reading out the presentation slides. Click here to view and print the Annual Parish Meeting Presentation Slides.
Summary of key points from the slide deck:
Digital levelling up:
• The PC in 2021 have completed their digital transformation project with a new Mobile friendly GVT style sheet and secure Gvt emails and IT systems to meet Data Protection and improve operational efficiencies. The new website is also acting as a hub of information to help signpost web visitors to other village services and clubs.
• Parish Online – Digital Parish Mapping and Assets Register being populated with key parish information.
• Local rate VOIP contact number for the PC/CSG and Clerks office. 01548 312090. (All calls to this number from UK landlines and mobiles are charged at the normal call rates applied by your service provider. Please check your current tariff for current prices).
• CSG Facebook rebranded/repositioned
• Governance Documents: Planning / Projects / Rolling Actions Log
• New regulated CSG Sub Committee.
• New Auditor appointed
All Cllrs have a specific area of responsibility and interest. The Planning Cllrs received 65 planning applications in 2022 (10 of these Tree Apps) and presented recommendations to the PC for consideration.
DCC PROW P3 Scheme Annual Survey: Each year x2 P3 volunteers walk the 11 miles of parish paths and report on any damage found to gates, styles or path surfaces. In 2022 A grant was approved to purchase and install new styles, gates and livestock/ dog waste signs, working with local farmers.
DCC Road Warden Scheme – The Road Warden is responsible for the parish mowing, buddle holes, pothole repairs, weed clearance and general village repairs including helping to clear up Brook Street after the food last October 2021. Works are ongoing, 2 days a month and new buddle holes have been identified in the outer parish which will be maintained to help reduce standing road surface water. The clerk has requested to DCC Highways that the verges on Blacksmiths Hill and 5 Mile Lane will be ploughed out in Autumn 2022 to help prevent flooding downstream and this has been placed on the DCC works programme once the mowing tractors have their snow ploughs fitted for winter.
Community Projects – The winter Dog Recreation Field Access Trial has proved the Recreation field to be a popular facility with dog owners with 383 visitors to the field for the period 1st Feb – 31st March 2022. The field now has space for 2 cars, a wild flower area, commemorative Queens Platinum Jubilee recycled plastic picnic bench and 2 commemorative crab apple trees and the grass left long to encourage bio-diversity and wildlife. The postponed February Beach clean is being rescheduled to late spring. Slapton All-Stars now operates under the CSG as a youth working group. Cllr Sullock continues to run the Slapton foodbank collection point at the village hall which received 1437 non-perishable items and £715 in cash to year end 31st March 2022. Cllr J Brazil has approved a Localities grant to purchase a litter picking kit for use by all Parishes in the Coleridge Association.
Voice of the Community – The Parish Council regularly write to our local MP Anthony Mangnall regarding concerns regarding the loss of the A379 and impact on the parish, lobbying and supporting hybrid meetings to encourage democracy by improved access to PC meetings, issues resulting from wild camping at the beach car park and undertake parish surveys such as parishioner requirements for the recreation field.
Plans for 2023 – New Parish Council
• Developing a 4-year business/financial plan
• Emergency planning for the village adaptation, climate change and local emergencies
• Neighbourhood Plan development
• Engagement with the Adaptation Manager / Slapton Line Partnership / Lobbying and Championing the parish position
• VAS sign installation follow up with DCC highways police liaison officer.
• Beach monument relocation
• Grant funding applications
• PROW Paths – ensuring delivery of repairs / landowner support / annual inspections
• Website – Platform update to meet Website Accessibility legislation
• Supporting the CSG members/committee plans.
• Ongoing Parish Maintenance.
• Annual Internal Audit
• Working with upstream authorities on levelling up and climate change.
• Recruitment for the Cllr Vacancy by Co-option
Plans for 2023 – Community Support Committee (CSG)
• Coronation Jubilee Weekend Picnic.
• Coleridge Litter Picking events.
• Have-A-Go Dog agility – Recreation field
• Community Film Club
• Community Youth Club.
Indicative votes were held as follows;
• Installation of a VAS sign on Sands Road: For: 0 / Against:0 / Abstained:4 – dependent on costs
• Community Youth Club: For:1 / Against:0 / Abstained: 0
• Volunteers for the Community Café, Film and Youth Club: For:1 / Against: 0 / Abstained: 0
The Kings Coronation Celebrations – Events are being arranged by the village over the bank holiday weekend as follows but are dependent on parishioners coming forward to help. The events are kindly grant funded by Slapton Village Hall, Slapton Parish Council, The Community Shop and White Close Trust
• Saturday 6th May – Tea Party and the Village Hall.
• Sunday 7th May – Big Picnic at the recreation field / Church Cafe
• Monday 8th May – Big Help Out – Volunteering at White Close, Paint the outside of the Village Shop, Church café.
• Decorate your houses with bunting and flags over the weekend.
Police Update: Cllr Murphy (Police Cllr Advocate)
To get in touch with the police parishioners are advised to visit the Devon and Cornwall Police website
Financial Report – Chair Julie Hinder
2022/23 Precept – £23,044.00
• Spend: £28,725.62
• Income: £29,773.14 (of this £5,870.30 in Grant Income)
• Reserves: £12,056.40:
-Un-ringfenced: £5,080
-Ringfenced: £6,971.64
• Cash at Bank 31/3/22: £16,119.022
• £851.65 Vat refunded.
• Income from Precept, Shop Donations, DCC and SHDC Localities Grants, DCC PROW grants and VAT refund.
2023/24 Precept – £25,876
i. The increase is due to a number of factors: Inflation and rising supplier/employment costs, devolution of maintenance services from District and County Council who have their precepts capped by government and so pass down the work without a supporting budget to parish councils. County and District support this way of working so that local priorities can be set by the parish. The PC cost and account for every £1 spent. The clerk’s costs are offset by the grant funding raised of £5870.00.
ii. 2023 Bank account Ring-fenced funds:
o £5080.00 – 2.4 months operational emergency float.
o £2000.00- Mid-Term Election Costs Float
o £450.00 – Clerks Exams
o £966 –Eco Grant
o £180.00 – Annual DCC P3 pavement scheme – repairs
o £1660.00 – 2nd Defibrillator
o £117.00 – All Starts
o £500.00 Basket Ball Hoop.
o £345.00 Community Film Club Starter grant.
o £150.00 Kings Coronation and Queens Commemoration tree and plaques.
o £377.00 Traffic calming.
o £1000.00- 2023 Winter Community Café – (Pending Receipt)
iii. Grant Applications – Invited in August Annually. All requests for funding to the parish clerk.
Thank yous were given:
• To all our Cllrs past and present, Our Road, Tree and Snow Wardens, CSG Volunteers DCC PROW Volunteers, Cllr Richard Foss, Cllr Julian Brazil, the Clerk and all parish organisations for their continued support.
• A big thank you to all parishioners and the FSC for supporting the Council during the annual road sweeping, drain and keeping their vehicles off the roads to enable this.
• A special thank you to the Village Community Shop and Village Hall and Anne Murphy for working together to enable the Kings Coronation event for the parish
• To Cllr J Brazil a DCC localities grant of £300 for a 2nd Defibrillator and Cllr Richard Foss for 3 SHDC Localities grants: £500 for a second Defibrillator, £500 for a basket-ball hoop and £1118.12 for an Eco Grant.
• To Devon Communities together for a grant of £780.00 for the Mondays and the Village Hall community winter café and 2nd grant of £1000 for a 2023/24 winter community café.
8. Community Group Reports
There were written reports from the following parish groups: Village Hall Committee, Horticultural Committee, SAP’s, St James Church, White Close, Slapton Strollers, Slapton Short Mat Bowles Club, FSC, Bell Ringing, Open Gardens.
a. Village Hall Committee – Written report by Patsy Edgecombe
b. Horticultural Show – Written report by Patricia Edgecombe
c. SAP’s – Elaine Hitch
Since the pandemic shutdown in early 2020, the Club has been in mothballs. This continues to be the case, and there has been no activity in 2022/3 other than a scouting event last summer in an attempt to recruit new members. This event had limited success and, as a result, although several acts were identified and preparation commenced, we were ultimately unable to gather enough operational support to be able to stage a Village Evening in the time available. The Club remains dormant at the moment, although there is currently a renewed effort underway to stage a village pantomime in November this year. The script for this has already reached its final draft and will be shared with the Management Committee in the next few weeks. Informal approaches have been made to new and existing villagers in an attempt to populate the current vacancies on both the Management Committee and the Production Committee. This recruitment drive appears to be having some success and, again, the Management Committee is hoping to be able to confirm details in the next month or so and to hand over the operation to a newly formed Production Committee. At that point the cast members will be identified and we hope rehearsals will commence in late August/early September. The Village Hall has been booked for the weekend of 17/18 November for the Pantomime to be performed.
d. Slapton Lines – No Report
e. St James Church – Written report by Sue Staines, Church Warden
f. SLAGS – Kate Palmer, Chair
g. Slapton Strollers – Lorna Troake
Slapton Strollers was started by Jane Ashby and others 6 years ago. On average walks are organised every 2 weeks and attract up to a dozen walkers and lunch is arranged, usually in a pub, at the end of the walk. This spring the “Snowdrop Walk” at Staverton stands out as exceptional as there were25 walkers plus several dogs and the snowdrops were stunning. The walks around Southpool, Stoke Fleming and Dartmouth introduced several of the walkers to paths they had never been on before and the walk along the Avon river starting at Gara Bridge was particularly memorable and enjoyed by 13 walkers.
Many thanks to those strollers who organise the walks. Without them Slapton Strollers would not exist. If you would like to join our walks please contact Jane Ashby
h. Slapton Short Mat Bowls Club. A.Wotton. (Secretary)
The Club. who play bowls in the Village Hall on winter Wednesday evenings, run two teams, which are affiliated to the South Hams Bowling League. The Cygnets, who play in Division 1, have just completed a very successful season by winning the League championship by a record margin.To cap this, the team became the inaugural winners of the Graham Collyer 5’s Cup, by beating old rivals Totnes, in the final played at South Brent. The Swans, who play in Division 2, finished in a respectable mid table position, following a slow start to the season, but finished on a high, by beating Stoke Fleming twice.The year has been rounded off by one of our members who progressed to the all-England Bowls Singles Championship and won his way to the quarter finals where he was beaten by 1 shot against the eventual champion.Although the Club has done well, the membership has decreased slightly over the last 5 years, which means we need to attract new members, in order to maintain our standing in the South Hams. Financially, the Club is fairly sound, but any new blood would help swell the coffers, which will help buy some needed replacement equipment.
i. Pickleball – Zia Soothill-Ward
j. Village Shop Committee
k. Field Study Centre – Kate Payne (Centre Manager)
l. Slapton All Stars
m. Tree Wardens
We have had a number of assessment requests including:
Meadow Court (2), removal of a number of trees prior to replanting with native trees (the Tree Officer actually visited) – granted
2, Chantry Hill – removal of ash tree – declined
7, Chantry Hill – carry out coppicing and tree management to create hedgerow in edge of woodland in land belonging to Chantry House – granted
9, Chantry Hill – trim back horse chestnut and remove poorly maintained ash tree – no objection raised, decision awaited
Round House – remove self set bay tree – granted
Barn Cottage – remove evergreen that has overgrown the available garden space – granted
The request for the removal of the ash tree at 2, Chantry Hill was declined because the tree did not show signs of the cited ash die back, just die back from salt and wind. The advice now is to preserve ash where possible to encourage the natural development of immunity to Ash Die Back.
In addition James Curtis arranged a tree hub at the Village Hall in cooperation with the Devon Wildlife Trust. This was a great success, we were very busy, with many tiny saplings distributed and questions on the choice of native trees and tree care given.
n. Whist and Euchre
o. White Close (Slapton) Trust – Andrew Naish (Chair)
Over the past year we feel White Close has really come alive with lots of progress in maintaining the site, many community events held, and increases in the number of regular visitors.
We held our AGM in October in the Village Hall and had many attendees from the village. At that meeting we launched our 5-year management plan and gathered the views and ideas of those present. Two of our longer-standing Trustees stood down at the AGM; we were pleased to be able to thank Graham Burton and Hilary Davey for all their efforts over the course of many years. We were also pleased to welcome Charlie Carter and Steve Collier as new Trustees.
This year we have continued to organise events for visitors including;
an Easter Egg hunt,
the second village picnic in September,
the grand opening of Bugmoral, the magnificent bug hotel, and,
the continued maintenance of the area.
The area has also been used by other groups for activities such as SLAGs, who held their own picnic lunch to welcome new members. Please do feel free to make use of the space for your own events.
The Trust’s financial situation remains stable. We’ve had very many donations through the Friends of White Close scheme, and we’ve also had generous grants from other charities that have helped us progress larger projects. One key project this year was the project to widen the vehicle entrance and reduce the gradient of the slope.
We’re still very reliant on volunteers helping with the maintenance of the site, particularly in ensuring that paths stay clear and safe. We have held 9 volunteer mornings in the last year and have been well supported with willing helpers. We’re very grateful for their support.
Through volunteer effort we have been able to clear the overgrown brambles and ivy from Lady Judith’s Walk, a sunken lane along one side of White Close. We’re now investigating installing steps at either end to improve accessibility.
Our plans for this year include:
An early morning nature walk.
Investigation into creating a short wheelchair-accessible path from the car park.
The usual regular volunteer sessions to keep the paths clear and safe.
We have decided not to run a village picnic at White Close this year.
Finally, if you are not already a regular to White Close, do come and walk the paths or sit on one of the benches to look at the beautiful view. It is a wonderful spot for a picnic!
White Close (Slapton) Trustees: (Andrew Naish (chair), Tony Barton, Sylvia Blomeley, Cathy Cairney, Janice Shiner, Steve Collier, Charlie Carter.
p. Pickle ball
q. Open Gardens – Jane Cumberlidge and Carol Beaumont
r. Bell ringing – Jane Cumberlidge (no report)
9. Open for Parishioners to raise other matters
There being no further business, the Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the
meeting at 8.30 pm