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Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – 13th May 2024


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr I. Luscombe.

Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.

The next meeting of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 13th May 2024, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.





Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.




a. Cllr J. Brazil

b. Cllr L. Lawford

7) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 8th April 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (7).


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park Slapton TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure.
Submit comments by 28th May

ii. 0396/24/HHO Olive House Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for replacement obsolete front door with a non opening window, replacement of windows, levelling out of steps that currently lead to door, remove steps and banister
Submit comments by 30th May

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0688/24/PDM Land At Sx 804 470, Slapton
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings/barns to 2 No dwelling house (class 3) & for associated development (class Q (a+b))
SHDC decision: Approved

ii. 0581/24/VAR Meadow Court, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 1436/23/HHO SHDC decision: Conditional approval

iii. 0582/24/ARC Meadow Court, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 (Facing/Roofing Materials) of planning consent 1436/23/HHO
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition refused

iv. 0738/24/HHO Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2PT
Householder Application for Internal & external alterations to a grade II listed property including the replacement of modern windows & the reinstating of historic features
SHDC decision: Conditional approval

v. 0737/24/LBC Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2PT
Listed building consent for Internal & external alterations to a grade II listed property including the replacement of modern windows & the reinstating of historic features
SHDC decision: Conditional approval

vi. 0875/24/ARC The Round House, Slapton, TQ7 2PN
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (Slates) and 5 (Doors/Windows) of planning consent 2489/23/LBC
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition approved

vii. 0885/24/ARC The Round House, Slapton, TQ7 2PN
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (Slates) and 5 (Doors/Windows) of planning consent 2488/23/HHO
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition approved

viii. 0766/24/NMM 2 Orchard Coombe Barns Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Non-material minor amendment to planning consent 44/2799/11/F for new conservation roof lights to Unit
PC not asked to comment
SHDC decision: Refused

b. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment)

i. 1240/24/TPO Kippax 2 Chantry Hill Slapton TQ7 2QY
T1: Ash – remove, decay present, suspected dieback, Ivy infestation.
T2: Poplar – crown reduce by 3m overall (if T1 is removed, growing into T1, multiple trunk bifurcation, risk of failure
Tree wardens to comment by 15th May

c. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Reflection on Annual Parish Meeting – Any feedback from parishioners (e.g. on questions asked about alternative inland routes or how to improve communication)? What might the PC like to do differently next year?


a. Governance: Does the PC approve the following documents?
i. Standing Orders – unchanged since previous approval by PC
ii. Financial Regulations – new May 2024 – see document (10a ii)
iii. Risk Register – unchanged since previous approval by PC
iv. Business Continuity Plan – unchanged since previous approval by PC
v. Asset Register – unchanged since previous approval by PC
Unchanged documents can be viewed on the Parish Council Website:

b. Can the village map be removed from Matters in Abeyance moving forward as it has been there for over a year and the there is no further progress on the relocation of the beach monument?


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation


a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since the April PC meeting, including update on liaison with Highways


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since the April PC meeting


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on OPCC


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – see separate document (15a)


a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? – see separate document (16a)

Payment no Details of payment Amount Paid for noting
15 Nick Walker Printing 30 x laminated posters (Community Cinema). Invoice no: SI-92864, dated 11.04.24 34.80

29.00 + 5.80 VAT

VISA 16 Amazon EU 5x multipack crisps (Community Cinema) 8.55

7.10 + 1.45 VAT

VISA 17 GLOBALTECH 1998 (via Amazon) Ink Cartridges. Order no: 203-9199054-9261909, dated 19.04.24 81.02 Paid
18 Clerk’s expenses Morrisons food and soft drinks (Annual Parish Meeting) – see receipt, dated 25.04.24 38.01
19 Slapton Village Community Shop Ltd Drinks (Annual Parish Meeting) – see receipt, dated 26.04.24 14.84
20 Clerk’s salary April plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20 Paid
21 HMRC tax and NI for April 62.00 Paid
22 Nick Mathias April mowing. Invoice no: 1806/25, dated 29.04.24 373.44 Paid
23 Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 3, dated 28.04.24 111.84
24 Nick Mathias April Road Warden. Invoice no: 1808/25, dated 30.04.24 363.59 Paid
DD 25 VC Warehouse May phone. Invoice no: 1013819, dated 01.05.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

26 Woolston Accounts April payroll. Invoice no: 0350, dated 30.03.24 20.00
27 Filmbank Media Licence for 27th April Film (Community Cinema). Invoice no: 06316239, dated 07.05.24 104.40

87.00 + 17.40 VAT

28 Village Hall April. CSG meeting 5th April £13.50, PC meeting 8th April £20, APM 25th April £38.00 and Community Cinema 27th April 3hrs £40.50. Invoice no: C05840/24, dated 07.05.24 112.00
29 SHDC Dog bin annual fee (Recreation Field). Invoice no 22289103, dated 28.03.24 93.60

78.00 + 15.60 VAT

30 SHDC Recharges for uncontested Parish election 4th May 2023. Invoice no: 22294177, dated 04.04.24 140.98


b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 31.03.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 256.43
Treasurers Account 14,665.56
Instant Access Savings Account 11,305.82
Total 26,227.81


c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 31.03.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 256.43
Treasurers Account* 15,390.53
Instant Access Savings Account 11.67
Total 15,658.63

 *Treasurers Account

  • HMRC VAT refund year end 24-25 415.53
  • SHDC Precept 14,586.00
  • Cash deposit from Community Cinema 227.00
  • Slapton Village Shop Community Cinema tickets 162.00

17) AOB

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 3rd June at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk                                                                                                        Date: 8th May 2023

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7pm

Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr P. Osborne. Cllr I. Luscombe arrived 7.10 pm

a. Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Abbey as Chair. Chair to sign Acceptance of Declaration of Office, witnessed by Clerk.
b. Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Staines seconded and it was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Mitchelmore as Vice Chair. Vice Chair to sign Acceptance of Declaration of Office, witnessed by Clerk.
c. Cllr Osborne explained that Cllr Abbey had done a splendid job as Chair over the past year as she always follows everything up and has worked hard on behalf of the Parish Council. All Cllrs agreed.

18:24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr L. Lawford, Cllr J. Brazil – other commitments and Cllr J. Waters – unknown.

a. Cllr Luscombe declared an interest in the planning application 0396/24/HHO as he has recently worked at that property.




23:24 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 8th April 2024 were agreed unanimously and signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park Slapton TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure
Submit comments by 28th May
It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr Lange and resolved unanimously to thoroughly review the supporting documentation related to the application before deciding upon the PC’s comments, if any.
ii. 0396/24/HHO Olive House Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for replacement obsolete front door with a non-opening window, replacement of windows, levelling out of steps that currently lead to door, remove steps and banister
Submit comments by 30th May
It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr Lange and resolved unanimously to thoroughly review the supporting documentation related to the application before deciding upon the PC’s comments, if any.

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0688/24/PDM Land At Sx 804 470, Slapton
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings/barns to 2 No dwelling house (class 3) & for associated development (class Q (a+b))
SHDC decision: Approved

ii. 0581/24/VAR Meadow Court, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 1436/23/HHO SHDC decision: Conditional approval

iii. 0582/24/ARC Meadow Court, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 (Facing/Roofing Materials) of planning consent 1436/23/HHO
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition refused

iv. 0738/24/HHO Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2PT
Householder Application for Internal & external alterations to a grade II listed property including the replacement of modern windows & the reinstating of historic features
SHDC decision: Conditional approval

v. 0737/24/LBC Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2PT
Listed building consent for Internal & external alterations to a grade II listed property including the replacement of modern windows & the reinstating of historic features
SHDC decision: Conditional approval

vi. 0875/24/ARC The Round House, Slapton, TQ7 2PN
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (Slates) and 5 (Doors/Windows) of planning consent 2489/23/LBC
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition approved

vii. 0885/24/ARC The Round House, Slapton, TQ7 2PN
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 (Slates) and 5 (Doors/Windows) of planning consent 2488/23/HHO
SHDC decision: Discharge of condition approved

viii. 0766/24/NMM 2 Orchard Coombe Barns Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Non-material minor amendment to planning consent 44/2799/11/F for new conservation roof lights to Unit
PC not asked to comment
SHDC decision: Refused

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment)

i. 1240/24/TPO Kippax 2 Chantry Hill Slapton TQ7 2QY
T1: Ash – remove, decay present, suspected dieback, Ivy infestation.
T2: Poplar – crown reduce by 3m overall (if T1 is removed, growing into T1, multiple trunk bifurcation, risk of failure
Tree wardens to comment by 15th May

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Reflection on Annual Parish Meeting (APM):
i. Both Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Lange have received positive feedback about the APM.
ii. Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Osborne explained that some parishioners thought it was quite long, left before the end and questioned whether it necessary to have all the other community groups participate.
iii. Cllr Osborne asked why other groups were included in the APM. The Clerk explained that the guidance for APM’s suggest that other groups should be invited to report too as it is not a Parish Council meeting – it is a meeting for the electors. Cllr Osborne felt that next year the PC should share the reason why other groups are included with the audience.
iv. Cllr Osborne also commented that the attendance of the Member of Parliament (Anthony Mangnall) added value and that having a timekeeper for speakers as well as more guidance for them would be helpful next year.
v. Cllr Abbey reported that she has received no feedback from parishioners on the suggested alternative inland routes and that she will again ask parishioners for comments in the Chair’s report (due for submission to the Slapton Lines Magazine on Wednesday). There was further discussion about the alternative inland routes and the forthcoming discussion with Highways at the June PC meeting. Cllr Lange requested information on vehicle number through the village, if available. Clerk to action. Cllr Osborne and Cllr Abbey agreed to meet to discuss any feedback and prepare ahead of the June PC meeting. Cllr Osborne and Cllr Abbey to action.


a. Governance: Does the PC approve the following documents?
i. Standing Orders – unchanged since previous approval by PC. It was proposed by Cllr Lange, seconded by Cllr Osborne and resolved unanimously to approve the Standing Orders.
ii. Financial Regulations – new May 2024 – see document (10a ii). Cllr Osborne and Cllr Abbey asked for clarification on some points in the updated Financial Regulations and were satisfied with the Clerk’s explanations. It was proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Osborne and resolved unanimously to approve the Financial Regulations.
iii. Risk Register – unchanged since previous approval by PC. It was proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Staines and resolved unanimously to approve the Financial Risk Register.
iv. Business Continuity Plan – unchanged since previous approval by PC. It was proposed by Cllr Lange, seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore and resolved unanimously to approve the Business Continuity Plan.
v. Asset Register – unchanged since previous approval by PC. It was proposed by Cllr Lange, seconded by Cllr Luscombe and resolved unanimously to approve the Asset register.
vi. Terms of Reference for CSG Committee – unchanged since previous approval by PC. It was proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore and resolved unanimously to approve the CSG’s Terms of Reference.
Clerk to add new minute references to all documents and upload to website.

b. Can the village map be removed from Matters in Abeyance moving forward as it has been there for over a year and the there is no further progress on the relocation of the beach monument? It was proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Osborne and unanimously resolved to remove as the beach monument relocation was no longer being considered.


a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since the April PC meeting – also see written report.
i. Insurance: Year 2 of 3 renewal of 3 year Long Term Agreement is due. Year 2 is the same cost as Year 1 (previous year) but the value of Part C Assets has been updated from £40,956 to £44,955.99. Clerk to sign and return renewal.
ii. ILCA course: The ILCA course is the precursor to the CILCA course and costs £120 + VAT. It has already been budgeted for and monies c/f from last year’s training budget. The Clerk explained that once the ILCA and CILCA courses have been completed, the PC will have the general power of competence (an update about this will be sent to Cllrs separately). Clerk to begin course.
iii. Training courses: Cllrs are reminded to complete training already booked. Cllrs to complete before end of September.
iv. Equipment for Road Warden: Permission sought to purchase a Devon Shovel (bulldog 2309 west country shovel) ~ £30.00 and waste bags 272 l x 3 ~£20.00. Clerk to purchase.
v. Highways: Summaries of issues (drain at Townsend Cross, road between Deer Bridge and Start and road between Newton and Thorn Cross) shared with Neighbourhood Highways Officer, who has recommended reporting each drain, pothole, missing stretch of road and obstruction separately on the ‘report it’ site. This will entail over 100 separate reports. Clerk to revisit Start and Newton and action.
vi. Lisa Edmonds (Neighbourhood Highway Officer) will attend June meeting.
vii. PROW: The PC has not received a grant yet. Monies c/f from previous years dating back to financial years 21-22, 22-23 and 23-24 of £356.13 are now all in one ‘pot’ and ringfenced. The PC is likely to receive an additional ~£150 for routine maintenance (e.g. hand clearing/strimming) and the Clerk has requested a further £293.87 to complete specific tasks. If awarded, the total budget will be £800.00. DCC will cut FP3 and 5. They have also agreed that to add unmetalled roads 302, 305 and 301 to their schedule. This means, that for financial year 24-25, the PC is responsible for FP1, 2, 10, 11 and the bridleway. The PC will need to take back responsibility for the unmetalled roads next year as this had been agreed historically as part of the P3 Scheme. However, it had not been budgeted for or scheduled for completion during 23-24 by previous Clerk and hence the unmetalled roads were not budgeted for this year either as the current Clerk was unaware of this responsibility. FP2 needs strimming now. Clerk to arrange time for herself, Cllr Lange and Cllr Luscombe to do.
viii. Hearse parked by children’s play park at Greenbanks: Reported by 2 x parishioners. See Chair’s report below for further explanation.
ix. Car scratched/keyed in Park and Walk: Reported by 3 x parishioners. Victim advised to report to the police.
x. Hedge cutting on Sands Road: Concerns reported by 4 x parishioners. Questions raised are as follows: Why wasn’t the hedge and the trees cut before nesting season? Why have the hedges been cut and not just the trees that are at risk of falling into road? Why were the trees not coppiced and cut halfway down the trunk instead? Why haven’t the trees that overhang the fallen part of the bank been dealt with but other trees and hedges that are not at risk of falling into the road have been cut unnecessarily?
xi. Hedge cutting opposite shop: Reported by 2 x parishioners. Both asked: Why has the hedge been cut during nesting season – is this illegal?
xii. Sewage in wet woodland on NNR: Concerns about this reported by 2 x parishioners.
xiii. SW Water visit on Friday 7th June at 11.30 am with Anthony Mangnall. 3 Cllrs to attend – need size for PPE e.g. S/M/L/XL and shoe size please. SW Water, Anthony Mangnall and Cllrs will be joined by 3 parishioners at the Village Hall after their site visit. Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Staines have agreed to attend and Clerk to make arrangements.
xiv. CSG Community Cinema: Equipment is no longer available to hire as it is no longer stored locally. However, the Community Cinema has the option of storing it on behalf of Cinema for All. In return, they would receive 5 free screenings a year. Would it be possible to ask the VH committee if we can store the equipment in the Village Hall roof permanently? One other group use the equipment currently, which is booked centrally, and this group will need to be able to collect and drop off the equipment every month or so. The Clerk will need to monitor bookings and the Carters have offered to help with collections and drop offs. Cllr Abbey has agreed to liaise with the VH committee.


a. Verbal update from the Chair on any matters arising since the April PC meeting.
i. Storage of hearse: The PC has received complaints about the storage of a hearse outside the children’s playground at Greenbanks, with a coffin and flowers inside (apparently the coffin is empty), which has now been covered. There was a discussion about the distress this is causing some residents and where else the hearse could be stored. Cllr Mitchelmore has agreed to liaise with local farmers to explore alternative storage arrangements.
ii. Parochial Church Council (PCC): Cllr Abbey explained that this year, the PCC will not be holding the Church Fayre at the Field Studies Centre as they are fully booked on the proposed dates. Instead they will be holding a ‘village Fayre’ with various events around the village instead of in one location. The Clerk has already agreed to update the children’s village trail. Cllr Abbey asked if any Cllrs would be willing to help. Cllr Staines has agreed to help the PCC and be a PC representative on the day. Cllr Staines to liaise with PCC.
iii. South Hams Community Action – loneliness and isolation report: Cllr Abbey encouraged all Cllrs to read the report. She explained that the survey had been commissioned across South Hams and that 18 residents from Slapton had participated. She is maintaining links with South Hams Community Action as they are interested in supporting rural communities. Cllr Osborne added how important the report is and how it lends wait to the importance of the PC’s community Support Group. Clerk to share report with CSG Committee Members.
iv. Road condition at Newton: A parishioner living at Newton has enquired what the status is of any repairs to this road. See Clerk’s report 27:24 a v above.
v. CSG flyers: Cllr Abbey asked whether the PC would authorise spend on printing of the flyers. Cllr Lange asked for clarification on the budget available for printing. The Clerk confirmed it would cost ~ £100 and that the PC has budgeted for 3 x Parish wide leaflet drops for the PC/CSG this financial year. Clerk to action.
vi. Coopting of new Cllr: Cllr Abbey confirmed that she and Cllr Osborne would meet with Giles Sutton on Friday 17th May to discuss the role of Cllr with him, together with his experience and interests. Cllr Abbey, Cllr Osborne and Clerk to attend meeting.


a. OPCC advocate update: Cllr Osborne explained that Alison Hernandez has been returned as Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly for a third term. Since the beginning of her first term, 686 additional police officers have been employed and 8 police offices have also been opened.


a. There was a discussion about outstanding issues on the action log, including installing the posts for signage at the Park and Walk. It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain the posts from the Road Warden store and that Cllr Luscombe and Cllr Mitchelmore would help install them. Clerk to action.
b. It was agreed to close the Exeter University action and to defer monitoring of Road Warden works/contract until Autumn. Clerk to update action log.


a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? Cllr Osborne queried payments 29 and 30 and the Clerk explained what they were for. Cllr Osborne also raised concerns about the bin being full at the entrance to the Church. Cllr Mitchelmore and the Clerk explained reason for this and the Clerk advised that any Cllr or resident can report a full bin via the SHDC website. The Clerk presented two additional invoices for approval (31 and 32 – see below). It was proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Lange and resolved unanimously to make the payments listed below. Clerk to action.

Payment no Details of payment Amount Paid for noting
15 Nick Walker Printing 30 x laminated posters (Community Cinema). Invoice no: SI-92864, dated 11.04.24 34.80

29.00 + 5.80 VAT

VISA16 Amazon EU 5x multipack crisps (Community Cinema) 8.55

7.10 + 1.45 VAT

VISA17 GLOBALTECH 1998 (via Amazon) Ink Cartridges. Order no: 203-9199054-9261909, dated 19.04.24 81.02 Paid
18 Clerk’s expenses Morrisons food and soft drinks (Annual Parish Meeting) – see receipt, dated 25.04.24 38.01
19 Slapton Village Community Shop Ltd Drinks (Annual Parish Meeting) – see receipt, dated 26.04.24 14.84
20 Clerk’s salary April plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20 Paid
21 HMRC tax and NI for April 62.00 Paid
22 Nick Mathias April mowing. Invoice no: 1806/25, dated 29.04.24 373.44 Paid
23 Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 3, dated 28.04.24 111.84
24 Nick Mathias April Road Warden. Invoice no: 1808/25, dated 30.04.24 363.59 Paid
DD25 VC Warehouse May phone. Invoice no: 1013819, dated 01.05.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

26 Woolston Accounts April payroll. Invoice no: 0350, dated 30.03.24 20.00
27 Filmbank Media Licence for 27th April Film (Community Cinema). Invoice no: 06316239, dated 07.05.24 104.40

87.00 + 17.40 VAT

28 Village Hall April. CSG meeting 5th April £13.50, PC meeting 8th April £20, APM 25th April £38.00 and Community Cinema 27th April 3hrs £40.50. Invoice no: C05840/24, dated 07.05.24 112.00
29 SHDC Dog bin annual fee (Recreation Field). Invoice no 22289103, dated 28.03.24 93.60

78.00 + 15.60 VAT

30 SHDC Recharges for uncontested Parish election 4th May 2023. Invoice no: 22294177, dated 04.04.24 140.98
31 Community First Insurance. Insurance renewal. Invoice dated 1st June 2024 346.53

309.40 + 37.13

32 ILCA qualification. SLCC. Invoice no: QL205329-1, dated 13.05.24 144.00

120.00 + 24.00 VAT

b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 31.03.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 256.43
Treasurers Account 14,665.56
Instant Access Savings Account 11,305.82
Total 26,227.81

c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 31.03.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 256.43
Treasurers Account


HMRC VAT refund year end 24-25

SHDC Precept

Cash deposit from Community Cinema

Slapton Village Shop Community Cinema tickets







Instant Access Savings Account 11.67
Total 15,658.63

32:24 AOB

a. Cllr Mitchelmore made the PC aware that somebody had cut the verges at Brandis Park. He is not sure who, but it has helpfully saved him the task.
b. Cllr Lange enquired whether the pizza van could park in the Park and Walk car park. The Clerk confirmed that the car park is owned by SHDC. The Cllrs agreed in principle, but the Clerk will check legalities and add to the June agenda for resolution. Clerk to action.
c. Cllr Osborne noted that there is a leaking pipe between the Arches and Roundhouse (entrance to Tower Inn). Cllr Abbey has reported this in the past to the SW Water. Cllr Mitchelmore explained that the owner of the pipe could not be determined, but it is known to be the responsibility of the property(ies) that it serves and not SW Water. It was agreed that this should be added to the June agenda for further discussion and resolution of next steps. Clerk to action.

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 3rd June at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed:                                                                                                                     Date:


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