Annual Meeting of the Council 15th May 2023
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 15th May 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00pm.
If any parishioners wish to either attend the meeting/and or speak, please contact the clerk to book a seat and be briefed on the PCs approach to latest Government Living with Covid Guidelines.
Please submit your papers and questions by email to 48hrs in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
IN THE COLERIDGE HUNDRED OF THE SOUTH HAMS OF DEVON The following Councillor s are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr Laurel Lawford, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
4) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
6) POLICE REPORT: Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme; Elect new representative.
a. DCC Highways including Road Signage meeting request.
b. A379 SLP meeting update
c. HMCEF Grant – Breach of contract with PC re payment for verge mowing and road maintenance / support for 2023 pre-approval grant request
d. Localities grant for King Charles III Commemorative Recycled Plastic Seat (£650)
Cllr R Foss:
a. A379 SLP meeting update.
b. Monument relocation.
c. Update on Pittaford Farm Dog Grooming Planning Application.
8) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd April 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Working Groups schedule – New Council
c) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2023; Update on the new Council members.
1074/23/CLE – Higher Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PW
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for exisiting use of land to NE of Higher Cottage as a domestic garden.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) 0676/23/TCA – 7 Chantry Hill Slapton Devon TQ7 2QY
Proposal: G1, T3, T5: Sycamore – Coppice to ground level to increase light to house and garden, T6: Sycamore – Remove lowest three limbs, crown lift to 7m above ground level to increase light to house and garden, T7: Sycamore – Remove lowest three limbs, crown lift to 6m above ground level to increase light to house and garden.
Decision: No Objection
1093/23/PDM – Deerswell Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to 2No. dwellinghouses (Class 3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b))
a) Administration:
i. Approve Clerk and RFO Appointment
ii. Laptop for Chairs office
iii. FSC staff sports day; Approval to use the recreation field 26th May, 2pm 5pm.
b) Annual Governance:
i. Approve village assets register value of £12,523.90.
ii. Approve and adopt Standing Orders
iii. Approved and adopt Financial Regulation
iv. Approve and adopt all PC polices:
v. Approve the updated Terms of Reference of the Community Support Group
vi. Approve bank signatories (online and cheques)
vii. Approve use of Debit card request to pay for PC expenses from Bank Account following approval.
viii. Approve continuation of Direct Debit Payments for Information Officer Commissioner Fee and Virtual Customer service telephone number
c) 2022 Annual Audit:
ix. Chair to approve the Year end Bank reconciliation.
x) AGAR Part 2 ; 2022/23
- PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23. Chair to sign.
- PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2022/23. Chair to sign.
- PC to approve the Explanation of Variances 2022 /23. Chair to sign.
- PC to approve the dates for the Period of Public Rights to be Monday 5th June to Friday 14th July. Notice to be posted Friday 2nd June 2023.
d) Agree Cllrs Roles
e) Agree DALC Cllr and Clerk Induction Training
13) CLERK’s REPORT Refer report – Information only.
a) The council to approve the below payments:
11/23 £1000.00 Contra entry to savings account: Winter 2023 – DCT community cafe grant
12/23 £ £80.79 Contra entry to savings account: Winter 2022 remaining – DCT community cafe grant.
13/23 £855.55 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary April/ NEST employee payments Plus WFH allowance plus expenses (Noted as paid 2-5-2023). 14/23 £20.00 Woolston Accountants – April Payroll. Invoice 0043 28/4/23. (Noted as paid 2/5/23)
15/23 (DD) £21.09 NEST pension
16/23 £80.00 Nick Mathias – Installation of Rec Field gate. Invoice 1594/24 dated 16/4/22 (Noted as Paid 2/5/23)
17/23 £335.59 Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work. Invoice 1582/23 dated 20/4/23. (Noted as Paid 2/5/23).
18/23 £344.49 Nick Mathias – April Mowing. Invoice 1603/24 dated 18/4/24 (Noted as paid 2/5/23)
19/23 (DD) £11.94 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line April. Invoice 1012100 dated 12/4/22. (Note as Paid 17/4/23)
20/23 £190.00 Village Hall Hire Costs: x4 community cafes 6,13,20,27th March (DCT Grant) and x3 CPBack hires (4,11,18th March and PC meeting 13/3).
21/23 £11.96 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – May. Invoice 1012232 dated 1/5/22. (Note as Paid).
22/23 £28.00 Community First Insurance, PL cover for portaloo hire for Coronation event. Invoice 5/5/23.
23/23 £160.00 Village Hall Hire Costs: x1 community cafe (DCT Grant) and x2 CPBack hires 3/4 and 26/4 PC meeting.
24/23 £tbc Clerks final salary and expenses payment May 1-18th.
25/23 Nest final payment; pending calculation
a) Balance at Bank @ 9/5/23: £25,565.90
Treasurers Account £12,300.67
Instant Access Savings Account £13,265.23
b) Receipts summary 1/4/23 to 9/5/23:
Treasurers Account: £14,142.20
Instant Access Savings Account interest £7.25
Total Receipts: £14,149.45
c) Precept (1st payment) received 24th April 2023 – £12,938.00.
d) 2022 final VAT refund received 11/4/23 – £204.20
e) DCT Grant £1000.00 ; Winter 2022 community cafe; grant received 24/4/23. Transferred to savings account along with 2022 DCT grant surplus of £180.79. £1180.79 ringfenced.
f) DCC 2023/24 P3 Grant of £910.00 approved for repair works identified in the P3 Return. Pending payment. Invoice submitted 3/5/23.
g) DCC Localities £650 Kings Coronation Bench grant approved on 9/5/23 by Cllr Brazil. Pending receipt. Transfer to savings account and ringfence when received until land ready.
h) Annual Bank Reconciliation completed; Chair to sign at meeting.
i) Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms part 2 to be signed at the meeting.
j) Internal Audit initial report due 16th May 2023.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 15th June 2023 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall. (TBC at the meeting).
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk and RFO.
All meeting agendas and supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at
Minutes – APM 15th May 2023
Those in attendance:
J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr C Staines, Cllr J Waters.
Cllr J Brazil, Cllr L Lawford. 3 members of the public attended.
15.23 SIGNATURE OF DECLARATION OF OFFICE and DISPENSATION FORMS – Completed by all Cllrs and signatures witnessed by the Clerk.
16.23 ELECTION OF A CHAIR – Cllr Waters proposed that Cllr Abbey be Chair of the new Council. Cllr Mitchelmore seconded, and the PC voted unanimously to appoint Cllr Abbey. A member of the public put their hand up to be considered as Chair. A second member of the public advised they could not do this as not a Cllr. The first member of the public declared ‘that they would be.’ This member of the public then left the meeting with no apology to the PC for disrupting proceedings and had not advised the Clerk beforehand that he would be attending either.
19.23 PUBLIC COMMENT – A member of the public said they were attending to observe the meeting as were interested in becoming a Cllr and asked the process. The Chair advised they would be in touch after the meeting.
20.23 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. The Chair advised that they would cover the position of Cllr Advocate temporarily until the next meeting when the role would be appointed. All Cllrs to consider if wish to apply.
21.23 County & District Councillor reports
a). Cllr J Brazil:
- Cllr Brazil welcomed Laurel Lawford and introduced to the PC.
- Cllr Brazil reported that the due to the elections and bank holidays, there was little to report this meeting.
- The DCC Highways budget has been cut to £9M. The road to Hallwell is closed until 23th May 2023 as the culvert is being rebuilt. On the 30th May there will be another road closure at Loddiswell.
- A379 SLP meeting. Cllr Brazil advised that a meeting was being held on Wednesday 26th May at Stokely Farm shop at 6.30pm. Anthony Mangnall MP has now taken this issue to the Secretary of State, as there is still tension amongst the two opposing sides. The project requires funding, which will not be available from SHDC. Cllr Brazil also stated that the FSC is not being helpful in these discussions, nor with the relocation of the monument. Cllr Hinder advised that there were thoughts for the PC to contact the American Ambassador with details of the current relocation dilemma.
- HMCEF Grant Application –Breach of contract with PC re payment for verge mowing and road maintenance. Cllr Brazil to investigate, report next meeting.
- Planning matters are being managed temporarily by Cllr Brazil to allow time for Cllr Lawford to settle into the role. Regarding the dog grooming business at Pittaford Farm, Cllr Brazil reported that he was going to suggest that the resident re-apply and for planning to reconsider the application beyond applying the blanket rural policy give the transport challenges in rural locations.
b). Cllr Laurel Lawford: No report.
22.23 MINUTES and CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd April 2023, the PC unanimously agreed for the minutes to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
23.23 Review of Action Log – No Updates.
24.23 Matters in Abeyance
- Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
- Working Groups schedule – New Council
Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs editorial copy deadline is 15th April. Clerk to provide update on new Chair, Clerk and Cllrs 16/5/23 to editorial team.
25.23 Planning
1074/23/CLE – Higher Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PW
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land to NE of Higher Cottage as a domestic garden.
Objection – Refer SHDC Planning portal.
4477/22/FUL – Alston Well, Alston farm, Slapton, TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Extension (existing) to the building approved and built under reference 44/1212/07/F and mixed use of the whole building, as extended, for purposes ancillary to the residential use of Alston Barn and agricultural store (Retrospective)
No Comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0676/23/TCA – 7 Chantry Hill Slapton Devon TQ7 2QY~Proposal: G1, T3, T5: Sycamore – Coppice to ground level to increase light to house and garden, T6: Sycamore – Remove lowest three limbs, crown lift to 7m above ground level to increase light to house and garden, T7: Sycamore – Remove lowest three limbs, crown lift to 6m above ground level to increase light to house and garden.
Decision: No Objection
1093/23/PDM – Deerswell Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed
change of use of agricultural buildings to 2No. dwellinghouses (Class 3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b))
26.23 Matters for discussion
a). Administration:
i. Cllr Mitchelmore Proposed, Cllr Waters seconded and the Council unanimously approved the appointment of Bella Moor as the new Clerk and RFO with immediate effect and agreed to reduced working hours whilst working their notice period.
ii. The PC discussed and agreed to write off the current Chair’s laptop as now 4 years old and for the past Chair to donate £50 to purchase from the PC for their personal use and work on the CSG committee. It was agreed the existing PC printer needed to be handed to the new Clerk. Clerk/Chair to research specification for the purchase of a new Chairs laptop and write to outgoing Chair to update on the situation.
iii. FSC staff sports day – The PC approved the use of the recreation field 26th May 2-5pm Clerk to write to FSC to confirm notice and insurance terms of use
b). Annual Governance:
i.Approve village assets register value of £12,523.90: Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Staines seconded approval.
ii.Approve and adopt Standing Orders: Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded approval.
iii.Approved and adopt Financial Regulation: Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Staines seconded approval.
iv.Approve and adopt all PC polices: Cllr Crowson proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded approval.
v.Approve the updated Terms of Reference of the Community Support Group: Cllr Staines proposed, Cllr Waters seconded approval.
vi.Approve bank signatories (online and cheques) – Cllrs Waters and Mitchelmore agreed to become bank signatories.
vii. Approve use of Debit card request to pay for PC expenses from Bank Account following approval. Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Waters seconded approval.
viii.Approve continuation of Direct Debit Payments for Information Officer Commissioner Fee and Virtual Customer service telephone number: Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Staines seconded approval.
c). 2022 Annual Audit:
i. Chair to approve the Year end Bank reconciliation. Cllr Abbey approved and signed the Bank Reconciliation that had been checked and signed by the outgoing Chair.
ii. AGAR Part 2 – 2022/23
- The PC to approved the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 and the Chair and Clerk/RFO signed.
- The PC approved the Accounting Statement 2022/23 and the Chair and Clerk/RFO signed.
- The PC approved the Explanation of Variances 2022 /23 and the Chair signed.
- The PC approved the dates for the Period of Public Rights to be Monday 5th June to Friday 14th Clerk to post Notice on Friday 2nd June 2023.
d). Agree Cllrs Roles: It was agreed for all Cllrs to consider what roles they would like to lead for discussion/agreement next meeting. Clerk to add to next meeting.
e). Agree DALC Cllr and Clerk Induction Training – The clerk reported that all Cllrs needed to re-register with DALC to obtain the updates and access to the training courses. The new Clerk confirmed able to attend the DALC clerks training on weds 24th May. Clerk to book.
The Chair proposed that all Cllrs register for the Code of Conduct Training on the 24th June 2023. Cllrs to book directly.
The Chair enquired how may Cllrs could be members of the SLCC under the current membership scheme. Clerk to contact and update.
27.23 Proposals for Resolution – None
28.23 Chairs Report
a). The Chair reported that the Tower’s turret/spire at the very top, looked to be leaning following the storms. The PC agreed for the Chair to write to the landowner to update and signpost to English Heritage who may be able to provide expert advice as a listed structure.
b). email from Parishioner regarding perceived discrimination against motorhome owners. The Clerk advised the Chair to refer to SHDC Localities team who manage the car parks for advice on who to refer too. Cllr Crowson raised that following this, it may be necessary to arrange a meeting with the person at the Village Hall to discuss the reply.
29.23 Reports
a). Clerks Monthly Report –April to May 15th 2023 Completion of AGAR Forms part 2 / Internal Auditor Liaison/ year end bank reconciliation.
- Multiple Elections posters and notice posting – offline and online.
- 11 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted April, CSG Page updated with Jubilee info and booking forms.
- Maintenance:
- Liaison with Road Warden- Gate Installation
- P3 Scheme – 2023 Grant submission / invoice issue.
- Have-A-Go dog agility event: 9th and 30th April 2022.
- CSG terms of reference updated
- Office and budget administration including setting up 2022 templates.
- Coronation Bench £650 DCC grant application / approved.
- APM meeting support.
- Notice board updating and copy amends: APM posters / Cllr contact lists
- Recreation field servicing
- Defibrillator check
- CSG Coronation Big lunch picnic and dog show management and delivery (voluntary time).
- Job advert and posting for Clerks role. Issue to DALC and SLCC and interview support.
- Council changeover: IT management / banking management.
- Annual leave 14th – 21st April
- Final payroll calculation / Last working day: Thursday 18th May 2023
The clerk asked the PC to approve the purchase of more paint stain and wood oil for use this coming weekend and month to complete the HM Prison service village maintenance projects. Cllr Waters proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore seconded the budget of £206.54 to be paid by switch from the PC’s account. Clerk to purchase. Cllr Abbey agreed for delivery at their address and would take to the village hall on Saturday morning.
The Clerk reported they were meeting with Bella Moor and the Chair on the afternoon of Wednesday 16th May 2023 for a full handover to ensure a seamless transition of duties.
b). Cllrs Reports:
Cllr Mitchelmore: Enquired the process to recruit new Cllrs. The Clerk advised this would be by Co-option now the elections were over.
Cllr Crowson: Reported that they had received a memo from the Chair of Strete PC regarding the Slapton Line Partnership stating that no agreement could be reached on the relocation of the monument to Strete Gate, and they were no longer progressing the matter. Cllr Crowson to arrange a meeting with them to discuss the background and will draft a letter for the Chair to send to invite them to a meeting with the Council.
Cllr Waters: Suggested that Cllrs attending other Slapton parish committee meetings and Vice-verse to build good working relationships. Also, for Cllr Waters and Cllr Crowson to set up a working group with other local farmers and the NFU. The Chair reported this was an excellent idea to share ideas on de-carbonising the parish. Cllrs to progress.
30.23 Financial matters
The Council approved the following payments not already pre-approved and paid.
Contra entry to savings account: Winter 2023 – DCT community café grant
Contra entry to savings account: Winter 2022 remaining – DCT community café grant
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary April 2033 £821.20 Gross) less NEST employee payments £12.05 Plus WFH allowance £24.00 plus expenses (Noted as paid 2-5-2023).
Woolston Accountants – April Payroll. Invoice 0043 28/4/23. (Noted as paid 2/5/23)
15/23 (DD)
NEST pension
Nick Mathias – Installation of Rec Field gate. Invoice 1594/24 dated 16/4/22 (Noted as Paid 2/5/23)
Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work. Invoice 1582/23 dated 20/4/23. (Noted as Paid 2/5/23).
Nick Mathias – April Mowing. Invoice 1603/24 dated 18/4/24 (Noted as paid 2/5/23)
19/23 (DD)
VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – April. Invoice 1012100 dated 12/4/22. (Note as Paid 17/4/23)
Village Hall Hire Costs: x4 community cafes 6,13,20,27th March (DCT Grant) and x3 CPBack hires (4,11,18th March and PC meeting 13/3).
VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – May. Invoice 1012232 dated 1/5/22. (Note as paid).
Community First Insurance – PL cover for portaloo hire for Coronation event. Invoice 5/5/23.
Village Hall Hire Costs: x1 community cafe (DCT Grant) and x2 CPBack hires 3/4 and 26/4 PC meeting.
Clerks’ final salary and expenses payment May 1-18th. Pay 1/6/23
25/23 (DD)
Nest final payment – pending salary calculation due 1/6/23. To be paid by DD on 15th June 2023.
b. Balance at Bank @ 9/5/23: £25,565.90
Treasurers Account £12,300.67
Instant Access Savings Account £13,265.23
Receipts summary 1/4/23 to 9/5/23:
Treasurers Account: £14,142.20
Instant Access Savings Account interest £7.25
Total Receipts: £14,149.45
c. Precept (1st payment) received 24th April 2023 of £12,938.00.
d. 2022 final VAT refund received 11/4/23 of £204.20.
e. DCT Grant £1000.00 – Winter 2022 community café grant received.
f. 24/4/23. Transferred to savings account along with 2022 DCT grant surplus of £180.79. £1180.79 ringfenced.
g. DCC 2023/24 P3 Grant of £910.00 approved for repair works identified in the P3 Return. Pending payment. Invoice submitted 3/5/23.
h. DCC Localities £650 Kings Coronation Bench grant approved on 9/5/23 by Cllr Brazil. Pending receipt. Transfer to savings account and ringfence when received until land ready.
i. Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair to sign at meeting.
j. Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms part 2 to be signed at the meeting.
k. Internal Audit initial report due 16th May 2023.
31.23 The next Monthly meeting of the Council to be held on Monday 3rd July 2023 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to follow the Governments Living with Covid Guidelines.
Signed by Chair:
All meeting agenda’s, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at