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Council Meeting – 6th February 2023

Agenda – 6th February 2023

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the monthly meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 6th February 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00pm.

If any parishioners wish to either attend the meeting/and or speak, please submit your papers and questions by email to 48hrs in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.

The PC also encourage all attendees to follow the Government Living with Covid Guidelines / section 56, safer behaviours.


 The following Councillors are summoned to attend:

J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, PC Oli Abercrombie, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.


  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
    a). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update, Cllr Murphy.
    b). Vison Zero programme update – PC Ollie Abercrombie invited.
    Cllr J Brazil:
    a) Highways Update – SCARF Results and PC speed sign brief.
    b). A379 Update
    c).DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.
    d). Pop-up community coffee club invitation.Cllr R Foss:
    a). Bottle Bank area relocation to the beach to release 2-3 Park and Walk car spaces, prevent fly-tipping.
    b). A379 update.
    c). Monument relocation update.
    d). Parish Recycling – Public Glass and Paper bins.
    e). Update on meeting with MP Anthony Mangnall 20th January 2023.
    f). Pop-up community coffee club invitation.
  6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 9th January 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
    a).Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
    b). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline.
    4509/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449 Brook Street Slapton TQ7 2PR
    Proposal: Works to a Tree in a Con Area: T1: Eleagnus sp – remove, T2: Fruit Tree – remove, T3: Fruit Tree – remove, T4: Fruit Tree – remove, T5: Fruit Tree – remove Land at SX 820 449.0073/23/TCA – Barn Cottage Slapton Devon TQ7 2PN
    Proposal: Works to a TPO Tree -T1: Cypress – fell
    4272/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
    Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise the change of use of part of an agricultural building to a dog grooming business (sui generis use).4477/22/FUL – Alston Farm, Slapton, Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
    Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as casual self-contained holiday let accommodation (retrospective).

3903/22/HHO – Hillcrest Wood Lane Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for proposed external veranda structure in green oak with slate roof.
Decision: Conditional Approval1984/22 – Higher Coltscombe Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of two shepherd’s huts for holiday accommodation with car port/store/solar pv structure and landscaping (Resubmission of 4366/21/FUL).
Decision: Conditional Approval

4214/22/LBC – Langford Down Cottage, Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Listed building consent for proposed detached garage in the east garden of the site with associated external/landscaping works.

a). Recreation Field Gate Installation quote/approach.
b). Pathway repair – finalisation work quote for approval.
c). Recreation Field Artwork approval.
d). CSG Committee Annual Meeting date/time.
e). Working Groups and dates/times.
f). Pop-up Coffee Club – Cllr attendance remaining dates / update and feedback.
g). Devon Community Power Allotment grant scheme for small scale renewable energy deadline 15th February 2023.
h).Coronation Weekend and The Big Help Out Day.
i). Elections timetable.
j). Sustainable communities Act – A379 and Parish Wide Survey.


a). To approve for resolution the Chair’s allowance of £400 for 2023-24.

b). To approve for resolution the 2023 Budget and Precept Demand of £25,876.00 (11.92%).

c). To approve for resolution the ringfencing of the following funds/projects and movement of funds from the PC’s Treasurers account to the PC’s Savings Account:
£170.00 Summer 2023 Ditch clearance – Sands Road
£345.00 – S137 PC Community Well-being Starter Grant – PILOT Community Film Club
£933.00 – SHDC Eco grant, Village Gateways, Spring 2023
£120.00. x2 Commemorative specimen trees and plaque for Carr Lane Community Space (Queen Elizabeth II commemoration and King Charles III Coronation)
£137.00 HM Prison Community Payback Materials
£300 – Safeguard Training – New Council
£450.00 – Cilca Exam Registration/Course Fee

1. To receive an update from the clerk on matters ongoing.
2. For Cllrs to highlight matters which require attention or future agenda items.

1. Council to approve the following payments:

122/23 Switch – £125.97 S145 Community pop-up winter café and PC drop-in clinic – catering items. Covered under the DCC Building communities’ grant. Amazon Orders. Approved 9-1-22 PC meeting on Switch. (Noted as paid).

123/23 Switch – £16.99, S145 Community pop-up winter café and PC drop-in clinic – Table tennis bat and ball set. Covered under the DCC Building communities’ grant. Amazon Orders. Approved 9-1-22 PC meeting on Switch. (Noted as paid).

124/23 – £840.00, Cranheath Transport Hire Ltd – Winter drain and road sweep. Invoice 32091 dated 18/1/23.

125/23 – £75.00, Slapton Village Hall- Willow weaving workshop event – from Eco Grant. Invoice C11734/22 Dated 2/11/22.

126/23 – £741.92, Nick Mathias – Path repairs campsite to field entrance. Invoice 1558/23 dated 21-1-23.

127/23 – £200.00, Nick Mathias – Extend the Sands Road drainage ditch- Groundworker/banksman. Invoice 1557/23 dated 21-1-23. (From DCC Localities grant of £800.00).

128/23 – £60.00, M J Hallatt. Overhang Hedge trimming – No man’s land bank on Brook Street Hill.  Ref: 402/2084/11.

129/23 – £27.99 Switch, Slapton Community Shop – Milks for the Pop-up community coffee shop/ Switch on 16/1/23 from £780.00 DCC community grant.

130/23 – £60.06, Pop-up Coffee Shop- Rescued 200 coffee pod capsules – refund to clerk- expenses. (Duplicated – paid Jan 2023)

131/23 – £107.11, Amazon Error Payment – Zia Soothill-Ward – refer contra receipt below.

132/23 – £90.07, Amazon Error Payment – Zia Soothill-Ward refer Contra receipt below.

133/23 – £594.00,  Switch Beers Solicitors – Deed of Amendment – Recreation Field. Invoice 46978 dated 21/12/22/ (Paid 31/1/23 for noting).

134/23 – £833.15, L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Jan 22) (Paid 1-2-2023 for noting).

135/23 – £20.77, Jan 23 NEST employee / employer contribution).

136/23 – £20.00, Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll – Jan. Invoice 2437 dated 28/1/23.

137/23 – £300.00, Nick Mathias – Jan Road Warden Work. Invoice 1564/23 /23 dated 30/1/23.

138/23 – £20.00, Beers Solicitors – Deed of Amendment, Recreation Field Land Registry Fee. Invoice xxxx  dated xx/xx/2(Paid 1/2/23 for noting).

139/23 – £11.94, VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Feb).  Invoice 1011825 dated 1/2/22 (Due 15/2/23 by DD- For noting).

140/23 – £100.00, Village Hall Hire Jan Meeting & Pop-up coffee shops 16th/23rd and 30th January (from DCC Grant)- Invoice no C02771/23 dated 2/2/23. 

a).Balance at Bank 3/1/23: £21,260.08
Treasurers Account £11,745.10
Instant Access Savings Account £9,514.98

b). Receipts summary:
Treasurers Account: £347.18
Instant Access Savings Account interest £4.06
Total Receipts: £351.24

c). £150.00 Field Study Centre Donation Received 18/11/23 – Contribution to the Drain and Ditch Clearance opposite the FSC.

d). DCC Localities Grant of £800 applied for – Sands Road Flood prevention correction works.

e). Transactions 131 & 132, contra corrections of £197.18.

f). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant to DCC Highways 31-10-22 £3,308.00 – Chased 26-1-22

g). 2022 VAT Claim submission 1/2/23

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 6th March 2023 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall. This will be follow the CSG Committee Annual Meeting held at 6.30pm

Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to follow the Governments Living with Covid Guidelines.

Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 1/2/23

Minutes 6th February

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 6th Feb 2023 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Staines, Cllr Waters.

In attendance: Cllr R Foss.

138-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Murphy, PC Abercrombie. Interim officer No attendance from Cllr Brazil.

139-22 Declarations of interest – None.

140.22 Public comment – None.

141.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – None.

142.22 County & District Councillor reports 

  1. Cllr J Brazil – No report, carry to next meeting.
    a). Highways Update – SCARF Results and PC speed sign brief.
    b). A379 Update.
    c). DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.
    Pop-up community coffee club invitation.
  2. Cllr R Foss:
    a). Cllr Foss agreed for the Bottle Bank to be removed to release 2-3 Park and Walk car spaces, prevent fly-tipping, remove the visibility hazard when reversing onto the road and remove an eyesore in an AONB. To brief SHDC to remove.
    b). A379 update. Natural England have approved relocating the rocks back into position at Torcross and moving sand under the beach carpark to shore up the weakened areas. Cllr Foss advised that SHDC support protecting the road and are looking at the new boulder system that was recently on the news. Cllr Foss felt very strongly that allowing the road to move should not outweigh the interests of residents and maintaining the road network.
    c). Monument relocation update. Planning has been approved. The FSC and Strete PC were still agreeing the surface material around the monument eg shingle or grass. The removal of the 3mx3m concrete block is being insisted upon when the monument is moved and the negative impact on the current road protection is being raised with Anthony Mangnall. The Chair confirmed the PC had sent a strong view to the interim Slapton Line Managers survey on performance of the SLP and expressed disappointment that they had not visited the area. Cllr Abbey advised they had met with Anthony Mangnall MP last Friday to discuss their concerns with the SLP.
    d). Garden Waste Recycling – It was reported the rollout to date was successful. Should residents no long need their old bins, to consider using for storage or contacting SHDC to collect.
    e). Update on meeting with MP Anthony Mangnall 20th January 2023.
    f). SHDC Planning Department. There are still lots of applications pending due to a shortage of staffing. The May elections will also cause some disruption and the department is working hard to get up-to-date.
    g). May 4th Elections: Purdah starts 6 weeks ahead of the election day and residents are encouraged to vote and reminded to bring ID to vote in person. The Chair offered help to residents at the Monday community café if needed to apply for ID and would include a reminder in the Slapton Lines. Clerk to post official notices on the website and CSG fb page.
    h)Old Walls and Rosehill water run off onto highway. The matter was discussed. Requires further investigation as Cllr Foss felt could be coming from a drain. The Chair raised the freezing surface water was an issue due to the steep hill.
    i). Cllr Foss accepted an invitation to the Pop-up community café and was advised the remaining dates143-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 9th January 2023. Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Sullock seconded and the PC unanimously agreed for the minutes to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.144.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update the action log.145.22 Matters in Abeyance  a)     Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
    b)     Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th March 2023.

146.22 Planning
4509/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449 Brook Street Slapton TQ7 2PR
Proposal: Works to a Tree in a Con Area: T1: Eleagnus sp – remove, T2: Fruit Tree – remove, T3: Fruit Tree – remove, T4: Fruit Tree – remove, T5: Fruit Tree – remove. Land at SX 820 449.
Refer to Tree Warden.

0073/23/TCA – Barn Cottage Slapton Devon TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Works to a TPO Tree -T1: Cypress – fell
Refer to Tree Warden.

4272/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise the change of use of part of an agricultural building to a dog grooming business (sui generis use). No Comment

4477/22/FUL – Alston Farm, Slapton, Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as casual self-contained holiday let accommodation (retrospective). No Comment

3903/22/HHO – Hillcrest Wood Lane Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for proposed external veranda structure in green oak with slate roof.
Decision: Conditional Approval

1984/22 – Higher Coltscombe Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of two shepherd’s huts for holiday accommodation with car port/store/solar pv structure and landscaping (Resubmission of 4366/21/FUL).
Decision: Conditional Approval

4214/22/LBC – Langford Down Cottage, Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Listed building consent for proposed detached garage in the east garden of the site with associated external/landscaping works

147.22 Matters for discussion

a). Recreation Field Gate Installation quote/approach. The Chair proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded that a maximum budget of £1157.41 was approved to purchase and install the gate and fencing materials.

b). Pathway repair– The PC agreed the repairs seem satisfactory for now and to monitor the situation.
c). Recreation Field Artwork – This was approved – Clerk to progress.
d), CSG Committee Annual Meeting date/time. Chair to advise availability at next meeting.
e). Working Groups and dates/times. Add to matters in abeyance for new Council to confirm. Urgency on the Eco Grant Project and DCC highways licence, Chair to progress. Clerk to contact HM Prison Service Community Payback Officer if the team can support.
f). Pop-up Coffee Club – Cllr attendance was agreed to 6 March. Final dates agree at March Meeting.
g). Devon Community Power Allotment grant scheme for small scale renewable energy deadline 15th February 2023. No further action.
h). Coronation Weekend and The Big Help Out Day. Cllr Sullock reported the Village Hall Committee were discussing next week. The Chair reported the CSG would set up the field for a bring your own picnic community gathering and would ask the CSG volunteer for the pandemic tapestry artwork so could be shown over the weekend.
i). Elections timetable. This has been circulated, pending nomination packs from SHDC.
j). Sustainable communities Act – A379 and Parish Wide Survey. The clerk advised that if a community survey was undertaken, the results could be used to engage the MP to discuss the matter in Whitehall.

148.22 Proposals for Resolution
a). Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Sullock seconded and the PC approved unanimously to approve for resolution the Chair’s allows for 23-24 of £400.

b). The Chair proposed, Cllr Waters seconded and the PC approved unanimously to approve for resolution the 2023 Budget and Precept Demand of £25,876.00 (11.92%).

c). The Chair proposed, Cllr Waters seconded and the PC approved unanimously to approve for resolution the ringfencing of the following funds/projects and movement of funds from the PC’s Treasurers account to the PC’s Savings Account:  Clerk to move the funds to the PC’s Savings Account.

  • £170.00 Summer 2023 Ditch clearance – Sands Road
  • £345.00 – S137 PC Community Well-being Starter Grant – PILOT Community Film Club
  • £933.00 – SHDC Eco grant, Village Gateways, Spring 2023
  • £120.00. x2 Commemorative specimen trees and plaque for Carr Lane Community Space (Queen Elizabeth II commemoration and King Charles III Coronation)
  • £137.00 HM Prison Community Payback Materials
  • £300 – Safeguard Training – New Council
  • £450.00 – Cilca Exam Registration/Course Fee

 149.22 Chairs Report – None

a). Clerks report.

  • DCC Highways – 26/1/23 Pending update on the following:
    • SCARF survey results and Speed Camera installation approval.
    • Reported Power flush of the block drain into White Close had been actioned as part of the village clean
    • Reported Pot Hole on Wood Lane/ briefed Road Warden to temporarily patch
  • SHDC – Request to relocate bottle bank to the beach to Cllr R Foss.
  • Defibrillator Check 1/2/23.
  • Meeting attendance – FSC and Cllr Abbey.
  • DCC Grant Submission (Sands Road Flood and Ditch repairs) and liaison re works with Cllr Crowson and Road Warden.
  • 2023 Precept submission.
  • 2022 VAT claim submission.
  • MS teams meeting Cllr Abbey and Road Warden 10/2/23 re 2023 contract terms.
  • NALC webinar re Elections and Coronation planning.
  • SLCC webinar attendance – Future of Local Council book launch/briefing.
  • PC Planning submissions.
  • 15 CSG Facebook and 14 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
  • Village Cleaning-day stake holder liaison. Cranheaths are returning 7/2 to completed the Carr Lane clean.
  • Delivery of 3 Community winter pop up coffee shops 16/23 and 30th Jan plus grant update submission to Devon communities and DALC and measurement reporting
  • Initial brief to CSG volunteers re Community Youth Club and Community Film club.
  • Office and budget administration.
  • Notice board updating.
  • Beers Solicitors – final payments and contracts storage
  • Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring: 173 visits in January 2023 and 1777 visits in total since 1/2/22.


  • Submission of 2022 PROW paths inspections report by deadline of 7 Feb 2023.
  • APM slide deck support to Chair.
  • New Auditor initial meeting set up.
  • Elections 2023 – Key dates content management.
  • Website: Ongoing content updating / Transfer of old URL ownership to PC.
  • DCC SCARF survey, VAS ordering / Shop Grant Management.
  • Community Pop-up coffee shop support and Film Club set up.
  • 5-year Business plan – Cllr support.

10hrs a week / 40 month

Monthly Time in lieu accrued:
12hrs  x 3 coffee clubs support

b). Cllrs reports:

  1. Cllr Sullock – Reported the lorries attending the sewage plant were damaging the field, stone lane, and old flagstone walls. Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Abbey had witnessed lorries visiting at night causing noise. Cllr Crowson agreed to raise with South West Water as the noise was also causing disturbance at his home at night. Cllr Sullock asked of the FSC would cut back the hedge on Wood Lane and clear away the debris as encroaching on the width of the road. Clerk to request.

 Cllr Waters – Reported had received a letter from DCC legal department regarding the clearing of debris from gully’s and buddle holes and agreed to send to the PC for reference.

150.22 Financial matters
i). The Council unanimously approved the following payments:

122/23 Switch, £125.97, S145 Community pop-up winter café and PC drop-in clinic – catering items. Covered under the DCC Building communities’ grant. Amazon Orders. Approved 9-1-22 PC meeting on Switch. (Noted as paid).

123/23 Switch, £16.99, S145 Community pop-up winter café and PC drop-in clinic – Table tennis bat and ball set. Covered under the DCC Building communities’ grant. Amazon Orders. Approved 9-1-22 PC meeting on Switch. (Noted as paid).

124/23 £840.00, Cranheath Transport Hire Ltd – Winter drain and road sweep. Invoice 32091 dated 18/1/23.

125/23 £75.00, Slapton Village Hall- Willow weaving workshop event – from Eco Grant. Invoice C11734/22 Dated 2/11/22.

126/23 £741.92, Nick Mathias – Path repairs campsite to field entrance. Invoice 1558/23 dated 21-1-23.

127/23 £200.00, Nick Mathias – Extend the Sands Road drainage ditch- Groundworker/banksman. Invoice 1557/23 dated 21-1-23. (From DCC Localities grant of £800.00).

128/23 £60.00, M J Hallatt. Overhang Hedge trimming – No man’s land bank on Brook Street Hill.  Ref: 402/2084/11

129/23 £27.99 Switch, Slapton Community Shop – Milks for the Pop-up community coffee shop/ Switch on 16/1/23 from £780.00 DCC community grant.

130/23 £60.06, Pop-up Coffee Shop- Rescued 200 coffee pod capsules – refund to clerk- expenses.

131/23 £107.11, Amazon Error Payment – Zia Soothill-Ward – refer contra receipt below.

132/23 £90.07, Amazon Error Payment – Zia Soothill-Ward refer Contra receipt below.

133/23 £594.00, Switch, Beers Solicitors – Deed of Amendment – Recreation Field. Invoice 46978 dated 21/12/22/ (Paid 31/1/23 for noting).

134/23 £833.15, L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Jan 22) (Paid 1-2-2023 for noting).

135/23 £20.77, Jan 23 NEST employee / employer contribution)

136/23 £20.00, Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll – Jan. Invoice 2437dated 28/1/23

137/23 £300.00, Nick Mathias – Jan Road Warden Work. Invoice 1564/23 /23 dated 30/1/23.

138/23 £20.00, Beers Solicitors – Deed of Amendment, Recreation Field Land Registry Fee. Invoice 46978 dated 21/12/22 (Paid 1/2/23 for noting).

139/23 £11.94, VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Feb).  Invoice 1011825 dated 15/2/22 (Due 15/2/23 by DD- For noting).

140/23 £100.00, Village Hall Hire Jan Meeting & Pop-up coffee shops 16th/23rd and 30th January (from DCC Grant)- Invoice no C2771/23 dated 2/2/23 (Pending invoice),

a).Balance at Bank 3/1/23: £21,260.08
Treasurers Account £11,745.10
Instant Access Savings Account £9,514.98

b). Receipts summary:
Treasurers Account: £347.18
Instant Access Savings Account interest £4.06
Total Receipts: £351.24

c). £150.00 Field Study Centre Donation Received 18/11/23 – Contribution to the Drain and Ditch Clearance opposite the FSC.
d). DCC Localities Grant of £800 applied for – Sands Road Flood prevention correction works.
e). Transactions 131 & 132, contra corrections of £197.18.
f). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant to DCC Highways 31-10-22 £3,308.00 – Chased 26-1-22.
g).2022 VAT Claim submission 1/2/23 £

151.22 Next Parish Council monthly meeting to be held on Monday
13th March 2023 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 9.45pm


Chair, Julie Hinder:
Dated:  13th March February 2023


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